Electronics Forum: hot bar bonder (Page 1 of 8)

hot bar and lead free

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 12:09:40 EST 2004 | Kris

Hi All, Does any body have any information on hot bar lead free soldering ? Need papers or experimental data ASAP Thanks


Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 11:44:00 EST 2002 | poirot

I manufacture industrial ink jet printers. I have a new application to join an unpopulated flex circuit to a light ly populated PCB. Production requirements are rather low. The area To join is 300 solder balls on the flex occupying an area of 5/8 i

Re: TCP (tape carrer package?)

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 15 17:01:36 EST 1998 | Chrys

| Does anyone know what a TCP is? | What type of process is required for assembly, what type of equipment? | | Any help or resources on the subject would be greatly appreciated.. | | Thanks | Brain, TCP, or tape carrier package is the same as TAB

Hot Bar Manufacturing for PCBA's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 12:01:21 EDT 1999 | Gary Kemp

I have a potential customer who is enquiring as to our capability to perform Hot Bar manufacturing for their PCBA's. Can anyone explain to me what "Hot Bar" mfg. is? thanks.

Re: Need information/soldering profile! / Hot Bar

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 11:17:02 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| hi, | I would like to ask for help if anybody is able to provide any information on the soldering method below. | (1)Hot-Bar Reflow Soldering | (2)Fiber Focussed IF Soldering. | I would really appreciate if you can share with me. | Thanks. | | be

SMT adhesive suggestions?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 08:16:48 EDT 2007 | hussman

Wow, I've never heard of this. If it voids during cure you either have a hot profile or bad adhesive. We use Loctite Chip Bonder. No problems.

Hot Bar Mfg.

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 11:58:17 EDT 1999 | Gary Kemp

A potential customer of our is inquiring if we have capability for Hot Bar manufacturing in the PCBA manufacturing world. If someone can explain to me what this entails, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Laser soldering LED's

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 07 09:51:39 EST 2008 | pjc

I have seen the application with hot-bar soldering machines for SOT 23 LED packages. I could not find any of the machines in my search that specially state SOT 23 packages, but you might want to check with these guys: http://www.unitekequipment.com/

Hot Bar Soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 11:57:29 EST 2008 | robinj

Experts, Any advise on Hot Bar Soldering.I'm relatively new to this process.What are the pros and cons as opposed to using connector?

Hot Bar Soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 10:24:06 EST 2008 | ck_the_flip

Yes I agree with Emil that the Jig/Fixture design is crucial for alignment. The hot-bar machine I worked with came with a digital camera and monitor to aid with alignment. Other than that, the right profile (heat, pressure and dwell), and a good fl

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