Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 07 09:51:39 EST 2008 | pjc
I have seen the application with hot-bar soldering machines for SOT 23 LED packages. I could not find any of the machines in my search that specially state SOT 23 packages, but you might want to check with these guys: http://www.unitekequipment.com/
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 16 04:47:43 EDT 2009 | zhengjb
Any acceptance criteria for hot bar soldering finishing? e.g. IPC-A-610? or anything else?
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 15:11:09 EDT 2009 | davef
The sole soldering quality standard that we are aware of is A-610.
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 05:26:05 EDT 2009 | sachu_70
Hi Dave, Would this be different from IPC-610-D. I am not sure.
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 08:28:24 EDT 2009 | davef
No. They're the same ... A-610 and IPC-A-610
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 16:07:38 EST 2008 | larryo
Can you tell me what LED's you are wanting to use and what size panel you will be putting them on? What kind of parts per hour placement to you want. I have a very fast and accurate hot bar solder system that may meet your application. It maybe used
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 07:46:34 EST 2008 | adlsmt
The reason we are using laser rather reflow is because the Osram Golden Dragon part my customer needs to use is not rated for reflow. I would prefer to stay away from hot bar as there is maintanance required on the tips, Unitek had a pretty sweet mac
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 11:57:29 EST 2008 | robinj
Experts, Any advise on Hot Bar Soldering.I'm relatively new to this process.What are the pros and cons as opposed to using connector?
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 05 11:51:36 EST 2013 | aj
Hi all, Would welcome comments relating to Hot Bar soldering... Best equip suppliers and things to look out for... Also, is there a machine with multiple heads instead of having to change heads for each different size? aj...
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 15:38:32 EST 2008 | robinj
Thanks for all the feedbacks