Electronics Forum: how long does it take to dry (Page 1 of 1)

How long does it tkae for Tin-Lead solder to rust if put outside

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 15:16:34 EDT 2007 | novaman

Hi everybody, I did post in the past last year and I always got good answers. If I'm going to solder something with Tin-Lead solder and then put it outside (it will be exposed to water, sun, cold nights,...), how long does it take starting to rust?

How long does it tkae for Tin-Lead solder to rust if put outside

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 14:10:52 EDT 2007 | hussman

What do you mean by "what do you mean"? I was just making fun. But if you want, you can take it the wrong way and blame me for everything.

How long does it tkae for Tin-Lead solder to rust if put outside

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 05 21:29:43 EDT 2007 | mika

Hussman, I don't understand the last sentence of yours "but far from where this thread was going". What do you mean with that? I was just trying to give "Novaman" some infos. The fine old equipment You use from the old -20:s or so, is probably just a

How long does it tkae for Tin-Lead solder to rust if put outside

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 17:36:38 EDT 2007 | slthomas

The simple answer is probably a lot longer than it'll take for it to short circuit due to moisture of some sort bridging two conductors. I say moisture of some sort because it doesn't necessarily have to be liquid water. A slug will do nicely.

How long does it tkae for Tin-Lead solder to rust if put outside

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 23:24:22 EDT 2007 | mika

Fe2+(aq) + 2e- "harply, but this is of no consequence since OH- ions are always present, even in pure water.) The cations then react with the OH- or even the H+ ions and dissolved oxygen to form a variety of compounds, which constitute rust: Fe2+(aq


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