Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 15:16:34 EDT 2007 | novaman
Hi everybody, I did post in the past last year and I always got good answers. If I'm going to solder something with Tin-Lead solder and then put it outside (it will be exposed to water, sun, cold nights,...), how long does it take starting to rust?
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 14:10:52 EDT 2007 | hussman
What do you mean by "what do you mean"? I was just making fun. But if you want, you can take it the wrong way and blame me for everything.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 05 21:29:43 EDT 2007 | mika
Hussman, I don't understand the last sentence of yours "but far from where this thread was going". What do you mean with that? I was just trying to give "Novaman" some infos. The fine old equipment You use from the old -20:s or so, is probably just a
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 17:36:38 EDT 2007 | slthomas
The simple answer is probably a lot longer than it'll take for it to short circuit due to moisture of some sort bridging two conductors. I say moisture of some sort because it doesn't necessarily have to be liquid water. A slug will do nicely.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 23:24:22 EDT 2007 | mika
Fe2+(aq) + 2e- "harply, but this is of no consequence since OH- ions are always present, even in pure water.) The cations then react with the OH- or even the H+ ions and dissolved oxygen to form a variety of compounds, which constitute rust: Fe2+(aq
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