Electronics Forum: how to calculate component standoff heighthow (Page 1 of 2)

how to calculate smt cost/shot , pls advise me

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 23 07:34:11 EDT 2007 | davef

Cost per placement = [Equipment cost/5 years/components placed per year] + [Working capital/ components placed per year] + [Expenses/components placed per year]

How to calculate the ROI

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 19:59:08 EDT 2001 | davef

They always tell you to calculate ROI, when they want to blow you off. Do a net search using - calculate ROI. Links to three pretty good descriptions on this are: http://www.dmreview.com/editorial/dmreview/print_action.cfm?EdID=2487 http://www.eval

How to calculate BGA height change after reflow oven?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 06 18:00:16 EDT 2015 | jwqc

Does any one know how to calculate BGA height change after reflow oven? I guess the calculation will be based on the component size, weight, ball diameter and ball count of the BGA, but how to get the actual height?

How to calculate BGA height change after reflow oven?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 10:25:03 EDT 2015 | swag

Dial indicator on a post/base. You might need a fine point tip to get between adjascent components and the BGA. Or... if you're real fance schmancy you could use a CMM if you have one.

Clean to No Clean Process

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 11:26:51 EDT 2010 | davef

Probably, you need to make the same presentation to your customer that you made to your boss when you proposed changing to low-residue fluxes. Hey boss [customer], here's what's GREAT about low-residue flux. Here's how we can: * Lower our unit cost

changing from no-clean to clean

Electronics Forum | Tue May 21 17:16:51 EDT 2002 | davef

Larry, Yes, no matter how much you�d like to avoid using NC, you probably will have to start using the stuff, if the design [sales, in your case] types have their way. We can clean WS under 1mm and 1.25mm pitch BGA. For 0.8mm pitch BGA, we use NC.

Accelerated testing to Service life conversion

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 07 20:43:47 EDT 2001 | davef

First, we know that MIL types are wont to use charts like that. Give �em Weibull distribution tables and then they�ll be happy, happy. A good book is Nelson �Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models �� Wiley Second, we don�t use that very nice stu

How to operate a CSM 66

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 00:03:09 EDT 2010 | jmelson

Hmm, that's a fairly old machine, even older than mine! (I have a CSM84 PA130640). Anyway, it is best to program the machine from CAD system data, I wrote a little program in C to read in the component type and XYR position, and produce the file in

How to perform buy off a new Pick & Place machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 09:21:34 EST 2017 | emeto

there is an IPC standard for machine accuracy and repeatability. Here it is how it works. You have to place certain number of parts on a specially designed PCB(that allows placing variety of parts on big part of the machine work area). After that you

Pin Through-Paste with Lead-Free

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 04 08:34:07 EST 2007 | davef

We no advice to give you on the topic, but maybe while you're waiting for others to reply, reading a trade journal article on the topic might help. Below is a link to "Pin-in-hole reflow (PIHR) and lead-free solder joints" by David Bernard, Bob Willi

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