Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 23 07:34:11 EDT 2007 | davef
Cost per placement = [Equipment cost/5 years/components placed per year] + [Working capital/ components placed per year] + [Expenses/components placed per year]
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 19:59:08 EDT 2001 | davef
They always tell you to calculate ROI, when they want to blow you off. Do a net search using - calculate ROI. Links to three pretty good descriptions on this are: http://www.dmreview.com/editorial/dmreview/print_action.cfm?EdID=2487 http://www.eval
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 06 18:00:16 EDT 2015 | jwqc
Does any one know how to calculate BGA height change after reflow oven? I guess the calculation will be based on the component size, weight, ball diameter and ball count of the BGA, but how to get the actual height?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 10:25:03 EDT 2015 | swag
Dial indicator on a post/base. You might need a fine point tip to get between adjascent components and the BGA. Or... if you're real fance schmancy you could use a CMM if you have one.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 11:26:51 EDT 2010 | davef
Probably, you need to make the same presentation to your customer that you made to your boss when you proposed changing to low-residue fluxes. Hey boss [customer], here's what's GREAT about low-residue flux. Here's how we can: * Lower our unit cost
Electronics Forum | Tue May 21 17:16:51 EDT 2002 | davef
Larry, Yes, no matter how much you�d like to avoid using NC, you probably will have to start using the stuff, if the design [sales, in your case] types have their way. We can clean WS under 1mm and 1.25mm pitch BGA. For 0.8mm pitch BGA, we use NC.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 07 20:43:47 EDT 2001 | davef
First, we know that MIL types are wont to use charts like that. Give �em Weibull distribution tables and then they�ll be happy, happy. A good book is Nelson �Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models �� Wiley Second, we don�t use that very nice stu
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 00:03:09 EDT 2010 | jmelson
Hmm, that's a fairly old machine, even older than mine! (I have a CSM84 PA130640). Anyway, it is best to program the machine from CAD system data, I wrote a little program in C to read in the component type and XYR position, and produce the file in
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 09:21:34 EST 2017 | emeto
there is an IPC standard for machine accuracy and repeatability. Here it is how it works. You have to place certain number of parts on a specially designed PCB(that allows placing variety of parts on big part of the machine work area). After that you
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 04 08:34:07 EST 2007 | davef
We no advice to give you on the topic, but maybe while you're waiting for others to reply, reading a trade journal article on the topic might help. Below is a link to "Pin-in-hole reflow (PIHR) and lead-free solder joints" by David Bernard, Bob Willi