Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 15:03:15 EDT 2005 | slthomas
In that the machine times out and waits for a feeder refill and doesn't just skip that part and leave the space empty, it's not a defect. I have found 500ppm *fairly* easily attained in SMT depending on the board mix and how you define (1) a defect,
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 10:38:53 EDT 2005 | Stefan
500 rejected (?) per million placed components is a very good rate, considered that it would be better than 4 Sigma if you name it defects on the board. Or do I incorrectly convert ppm to dpm? * 3 Sigma 66,800 defects per one million opportuniti
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 21:30:09 EST 2012 | jorge_quijano
It means the machine places another component, no missing PCBs are built. As an update I have measured this % in the newest machine and it is below 1%, but in our worst machine (old quad) it is as high as 9% for a small batch of 10 boards (~15 comp p
Electronics Forum | Mon May 11 16:23:08 EDT 2009 | jorge_quijano
Yes, this is for a double sided board, (bottom) the issue is that the board has a lot af hand ion components before wave soldering, and some components are falling off within this process, even if I hit the 0603s with my finger It falls.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 17 21:58:42 EST 2012 | jorge_quijano
Hello guys I hope you can help me, I had worked with machines that usually tell you how many components are dropped off, now I have some very old machines without such information, any idea how to measure if attrition rates are normal? I expect to be
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 03:50:42 EDT 2017 | youth
I think you should first learn the principles of the circuit, understand the components and understand their function, skilled operation pcb design software. There should be a lot of such tutorials on the web, and you can learn from yourself. Of cour
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 08 22:03:39 EDT 2019 | eddy2019
Many beginners do not know how to start learning hardware circuits. In fact, the "hardware circuit" is composed of a part of the "unit module circuit". The so-called "unit module circuit" includes: various regulated power supply circuits (like the LM
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 06:58:41 EST 2019 | kiransahu
Without PCB layout, not much would get done. It is a ubiquitous need across industries; Industrial, consumer, military...Everywhere you look, there are chips soldered to PCBs to create a final product for the end customer. But where did we all learn
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 05 16:14:06 EDT 2011 | blnorman
Is this an addition-cure silicone? We once had coating bubbling caused by the evolution of the solvent in the paste flux under leadless components.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 09:02:30 EST 2022 | peterm
You teach the corners of the component picked from the previous steps. Just select "PTF RR BTWN RAIL" slot 75 in "feeder teach" and it should move over to the belt.