Electronics Forum: how to solder to gold fingers (Page 1 of 40)

Wire bonding on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 06:43:06 EDT 2003 | cyber_wolf

We are currently producing a board for a customer that has about 400 gold fingers that get wire bonded after the assy. leaves our facility. We have tried many different approaches to ensure that we are not getting solder on the gold fingers. Nothing

solder SnPb wire to gold plated IC

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 15 23:35:14 EDT 2007 | Sam

few more questions: Is there any standard saying that the dull surface is accepted if solder Au plated leads? Understand that more than 3% Au in the solder connection leads to unacceptable embrittlement of the connection. How about any standard relat

Heat seal ribbon to gold plated fingers and lcd displays

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 24 07:55:55 EDT 1998 | Chuck Garth

I know that this not surface mount, but many of us have to perform multipule duties. Can anyone give me some information on this I am having problems getting relibility getingthe heat seal ribbon to make consistant electrical contact. Any help would

how to measure Adhesive strength

Electronics Forum | Mon May 11 16:23:08 EDT 2009 | jorge_quijano

Yes, this is for a double sided board, (bottom) the issue is that the board has a lot af hand ion components before wave soldering, and some components are falling off within this process, even if I hit the 0603s with my finger It falls.

Re: Micro balls on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Tue May 19 12:54:55 EDT 1998 | Richard Jackson

| We had a similar problem. But whenever the solder came from the screen printer the solder would wet to the gold fingers, with the help of residual flux. But the problem is balls, that I assume are not wetted to the gold fingers but instead are jus

how to handle solder paste

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 08 07:05:12 EST 2008 | davef

Often, your solder paste supplier provides guideline on handling their solder paste. For instance: http://www.aimsolder.com/techarticles/tech%20sheet%20paste%20handling.pdf We have no relationship, nor receive benefit from the company referenced ab

how to handle solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 23:40:41 EST 2008 | padawanlinuxero

I have been working on the SMT area for a while now, must of my experience is on programming and pick and place, now in my new job I have to control a complete SMT line and I have a little knowledge on working with solder paste but I like to read mor

Gold to gold soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 13 08:17:06 EDT 2006 | davef

The solder alloy does not change based on the flux. Your potential for embrittlement is the same [providing the metal of the solders are the same] with either solder. We would guess the OA flux is [and drag tinning are] removing corrosion from the

Soldering to hard gold

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 12:20:09 EDT 2013 | davef

Gold in solder alloys can be brittle. We always used to talk about keeping gold LT 3% in order to avoid embrittlement. Some military contracts require removal of gold from soldered contacts. Adding gold to a solder alloy that you're familiar with wi

Soldering to hard gold

Electronics Forum | Thu May 02 09:33:30 EDT 2013 | 15009

Looking for advice on soldering lead free paste to a board with very heavy gold plating. I have learned from the Customer that this is HARD GOLD and that it is 10-20 Micro Inches Hard Gold over 100 Micro inches of Nickel. When we reflowed the solde

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