Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 02:24:40 EST 2001 | ianchan
Did I mention, we tried to use the same WS flux formulae to brush-cover the affected flex-PCB pads, and subject it to another round of water-wash, followed by oven-baking, and it still doesn't help abit? Oven bake : 100 deg-C, approx 15~30mins (manu
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 01:17:13 EST 2001 | ianchan
Hi Experts, I need help here, advice appreciated from all... Production is running a Lot of flex-circuit PCB, through the SMT line, with 0402 components. The flex-PCB is taped to FR4 support "pallets" when processing thru' the SMT P&P m/c. We use
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 21:04:10 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Ashok: You still didn�t tell me why you want additional drying of your boards, but what the hey, we all have our dark secrets. Anywho, let�s consider some options for reducing the moisture of your cleaned boards: OPTION 1 - Up-Grading Your Cleaner
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 31 13:59:21 EDT 2017 | westshoredesign
Need more information. BUT if your strictly considering just the paste change. I would imagine your changeover would be little to no different than changing to the second board if you were using the same paste. Maybe take extra care cleaning your sq
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 10:59:49 EDT 2003 | AXL
Hey Russ I hate to say it but you switched from Indium for no reason! If you were getting residue then your oven profile was off! Your flux should have burned off if it was done correctly, that's the purpose of "no-clean".
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 12 04:19:28 EDT 2020 | SMTA-64387098
I have just built a new factory and installed the old Heller 1707 XL oven. When I run the oven the LED panel lights and downlights in the entire building begin to shimmer after 2nd zone is switched on. It does not get worse when the whole 7 zones are
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 20:58:17 EDT 2020 | stephendo
Just curious if anyone has ever used an EMF meter? I have used a static field meter but that is quite different. I have had hearing aids that had a switch that switched from an audio mike to a telecoil that would pick up the EMF from the phone speake
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 10 13:37:03 EDT 2019 | slthomas
How wide is this board? I ask because if it's not terribly wide, you might just be better off attacking the problem with the profile rather than attacking the board conveyor design.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 06:00:23 EDT 2004 | johnwnz
call me picky but doesn't hydrogen combust? maybe soemthing you could do is look at your process and your products and decide if you actually need to run in N2. Yes ok I can hear the crys now but seriously, for the vast majority of things if you have
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 28 16:40:04 EST 2002 | liviuj
>Dear SMTneter, >>I am loonkig for some information about how to rework a >>BGA. >>Some technical info explaing how to put solder past >>manualy, soldering manualy, tips and so on. >>Where can I find something about? >>Thanks in advance >>Marcos Hi