Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 02 06:58:07 EST 2011 | mikeyjryan
Hello, The company I work for are located in the North of Spain and the humidity levels in the factory range from 10 to 60 %RH. We have concerns about the low humidity effects on our ESD controls and want to invest in a system to keep the humidity a
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 04 15:58:55 EST 2011 | pjc
Yes, one to consider is Draabe in Germany: http://www.draabe.com/draabe/en/home.html
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 07 12:57:54 EST 2001 | jonathan
Paul, You might check out the "McDry" line of humidity control devices. They are marketed through SEIKA Machinery, Inc. Give Hiro a call @ (310) 540-7310 Ext. 125 He has been a real good resorce for SMT solutions. Jonathan
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 17:14:53 EST 2001 | dason_c
We have under evaluation one of the dry cabinet and it can drop down the humidity to 10% within 20 minutes from room. You can check this web site, http://www.cabiusa.com Dason.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 07 10:59:55 EST 2001 | paulburt
Hello all, I have been tasked with bringing my company up to spec with J-STD-033, yes lucky me! My question is this: While I was searching the Web for suitable suppliers of dry cabinets I came across a company advertising a humidity control system f
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 14 19:10:22 EST 2001 | mengr
Paul, We currently use cabi dry boxes. They could maintaint 10% and below that meet our spec for storage. For the business condition right now, we're looking for low cost solution and we found them. You can check their site at http://www.cabiusa.com
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 15:11:38 EDT 1999 | JohnW
| | I am finding that some of our IC's are coming from the supplier with the humidity gauge in the bag reading 10-20%. Has anybody done any tests to determine what humidty level in a package will cause problems during reflow? | | Sound's to me li
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 00:56:20 EDT 2007 | Jani
Our SMT production and storage area is air-conditioned, constant temperature is maintained but the humidity is not controlled , the raw SMT material is stored in a "Drier" cabinet, but since we assemble hybrid SMT and thru-hole PCB assemblies, the SM
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 04 23:50:20 EDT 2015 | johnwnz
Hi folks, I was wondering what the combined wisdom was on the humidity effect on the MSD control required by the Jedec std. The std works on a relative humidity of 65%, if my RH is only say 30% because of factory environments how do I easily factor
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 05 18:36:19 EDT 2015 | caurbach
John, I assume you mean 60%, not 65%. J-STD-033 has a derating table for floor life which accounts for conditions other than 30C/60% RH. Table 7-1 is what you're looking for I believe. Adam