Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 02 06:58:07 EST 2011 | mikeyjryan
Hello, The company I work for are located in the North of Spain and the humidity levels in the factory range from 10 to 60 %RH. We have concerns about the low humidity effects on our ESD controls and want to invest in a system to keep the humidity a
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 26 17:00:15 EST 2008 | slthomas
I haven't had the luxury of machine based pth assembly in quite a while, but when I did, given that the machines control which parts are inserted (and to a lesser degree where they are inserted) we decided not to perform inspection on that part of th
Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 20:04:21 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Joe: Hey, just hose everyone down with water when your humidity starts to decrease to below 40%. ;-) Actually, that�s how some humidity controllers work, when added to your heating system. Well basically that�s how they work. I�m not tryin� to
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 04 23:50:20 EDT 2015 | johnwnz
Hi folks, I was wondering what the combined wisdom was on the humidity effect on the MSD control required by the Jedec std. The std works on a relative humidity of 65%, if my RH is only say 30% because of factory environments how do I easily factor
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 02 09:45:25 EDT 2014 | swag
Not sure what kind of humidifier you are looking at but here's my experience: We have 4 humidifiers. All are ultrasonic supplied with DI water. They work well but... UT humidifiers will create a foggy white residue that will stick to things in cl
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 22:05:58 EDT 2001 | davef
OA pastes are more hydroscopic than NC pastes. Hydroscopic. The capacity of a material to absorb and retain moisture from the ambient air. Sometimes this is compounded if you remove paste from the frig and let it warm to room temperature, because
Electronics Forum | Fri May 05 05:51:44 EDT 2000 | Joe
Thanks for the info. Our system is capable of holding the set limits, but since breakdowns do happen I am considering what to do. So while everything is running, we have a climatic controlled area. The min. relative humidity of 40% comes from the JE
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 17 21:16:19 EDT 2002 | davef
You�re correct about J-001. It�s interesting though, I find no references to controlling temperature and humidity as an element of an electrostatic discharge control program in the following: * ANSI/ESD S20-20 * "ESD Program Management" by Ted Dan
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 02:19:03 EST 2010 | sachu_70
With lower Humidity levels, we expose to greater risk towards ESD related failures seen on components. Pl. ensure to have your entire work area fully guarded against ESD and maintain proper material handling instructions across the entire flowline un
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 07:17:03 EDT 2004 | davef
We consider machine programs to be work instructions [WI]. [An instruction (or work instruction) is a prescribed series of activities, usually directed to a very specific area or process. Generally, an instruction may be done by one person.] Anyone