Electronics Forum: humidity test chamber (Page 1 of 20)

BGA failure when chamber test

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 12:34:58 EDT 2011 | scottp

If there was a ball in cup defect on the original assembly then it could behave like you explained.

BGA failure when chamber test

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 23:10:13 EDT 2011 | kemasta

Hi Scott Thank you very much.

BGA failure when chamber test

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 02:41:29 EDT 2011 | kemasta

Hi It's me again. Our products need to pass a chamber test 45c/36hrs after the PCBA completed batch of functional tests and assemble in to case. We found 1 unit was functioning for 24hours in the chamber, but hang after that. We tried to re-boot the

low humidity storage

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 11 15:01:24 EDT 2000 | g cronin

I am looking for a storage system for short term storage of open BGA's or longer term de-humidifying or moisture removal.. Is there any low humidity chambers available??? greg

Measure humidity for PCB

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 14:49:15 EDT 2010 | davef

90%) from the sample, and the bake time and temperature specified herein are minimums. To improve test accuracy, or to prevent heat damage, other bake parameters may be AABUS. 2 Applicable Documents IPC-QL-653 Certification of Facilities that Inspect

humidity in PC packages

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 15:00:41 EDT 1999 | jgodfrey

I am finding that some of our IC's are coming from the supplier with the humidity gauge in the bag reading 10-20%. Has anybody done any tests to determine what humidty level in a package will cause problems during reflow?

Motherboard become NO POST when humidity increase to 90%

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 14:50:13 EST 2009 | davef

One of our instruments has a high impedance front-end. We: * Passed functional test in the environmentally controlled shop. * Failed test, on the same unit, while carrying it to burn-in chambers in an uncontrolled part of the plant. Solder flux resi

Motherboard become NO POST when humidity increase to 90%

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 08:51:34 EST 2009 | Sean

Hello, This is interesting topic that I would like to share and discuss with you.. I came across few projects from various SMT factories where its product(Computer) reach field, experience No Post/boot defect. This problem become very obvious when

Re: humidity in PC packages

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 16:11:41 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | I am finding that some of our IC's are coming from the supplier with the humidity gauge in the bag reading 10-20%. Has anybody done any tests to determine what humidty level in a package will cause problems during reflow? | Usually a proper m

Re: humidity in PC packages

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 15:11:38 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | I am finding that some of our IC's are coming from the supplier with the humidity gauge in the bag reading 10-20%. Has anybody done any tests to determine what humidty level in a package will cause problems during reflow? | | Sound's to me li

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