Electronics Forum: humiseal thermal cycling (Page 1 of 35)

Thermal cycling

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 10:17:16 EST 2005 | Amol

i though they had a accleration factor as a relationship between ATC and actual life cycles

Thermal cycling

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 08:29:13 EST 2005 | davef

There is no relationship between accelerated and actual life tests.

Thermal cycling

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 11:07:15 EST 2005 | moonshine

Visit Proof Of Design at http://www.moonmanondarkside.com for free information on this and many other subjects. MoonMan

Thermal cycling

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 08:10:04 EST 2005 | Amol

Hi all, If i know my field conditions and the required lifespan of the final product, how can i decide what thermal cycle to use for ATC to qualify the product?? I have the JEDEC standards for min-max temps and dwells, but how do i translate them int

Thermal cycling

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 11:18:34 EST 2005 | patrickbruneel

I agree with Dave 100%, ATC will expose the board and components weaknesses and potential design problems and/or the need for conformal coating. The life span can only be predicted and/or extended by well-documented field failure analyses history and

Thermal cycling equipments

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 02:16:37 EDT 2004 | FengAng

Hi all, Our department need to setup a reliability lab. And some equipments are need to purchase. At the first stage, thermal cycling test are going to be imported. If anyone of you have this kind of experience, please don't hesitate to SHARE me h

Thermal cycling equipments

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 06:20:14 EDT 2004 | Peppe

FengAng, I'm involved in similar activities on telecom products and we use as reference: MIL-STD-883E, JESD22, IEC-749. We have 2 climatic chamber to arrange a wide range of test, depending on customer use and/or specs. Based on that experience, we p

solder joint crack in post thermal cycling test at Dye & Pry

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 11 11:39:52 EDT 2010 | manchella

When we have sent some of motherboards for reliability testing in a tird party laoratory. It is found that when Dye&Pry is done after 600 cycles of Thermal Cycling, in LGA socket only one of the corner solder joing had 100% type 3 crack. All other so

solder joint crack in post thermal cycling test at Dye & Pry

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 08:21:05 EDT 2010 | esca

Hi manchella, After ATC test, two different failure modes can be present: solder FATIGUE (into bulk) or BRITTLE INTERMETALLIC fracture. So, first you have to verify this. Moreover, which brand of SMT paste have you used ? The crack into solder joint

Number of thermal excursions per componet

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 21:05:48 EDT 2001 | davef

BGA Cycle 1: solder ball attach. BGA Cycle 2: BGA attach to board. BGA Cycle 3: BGA removal from board. BGA Cycle 4: BGA pad dress. BGA Cycle 5: BGA ball replacement. BGA Cycle 6: BGA re-attach to board. Board Cycle 1: BGA attach to board. Boar

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