Electronics Forum: hva 120 weight (Page 1 of 1)

Profiling on a Selective Solder machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 04 16:08:28 EDT 2013 | hegemon

Same idea but simpler execution. Verify Solder pot temperature. Verify Temperature of Solder as it leaves the nozzle. Verify preheating gets your PWB up to 90C-120C prior to soldering. Check machine speed, verify 4 seconds contact with solder at

Factory Lighting - specs and measurement ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 11:11:50 EDT 2002 | davef

J-STD-001 guideline of 1000 lm/m^2 [93 fc] seems high, but it is the minimum level of illumination that operators and inspectors should have to perform their tasks. IESNA LPD Architectural Recommendations Type of Facility||General Area percent / fc

Re: Solder surface tension

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 05:09:13 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | | | | | Can anyone tell me the formula/method to determine | | | | | | | the amount of weight that solder's surface tension can support. | | | | | | | (ie: Maximum weight of components soldered onto a bottom side | | | | | | | of a board during

Re: T sub g

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 14:41:07 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Alright gentlemen and ladies of the forum, I again seek knowlage on what is probably a well known fact. I have spent a good part of the morning with various IPC standards and weighty tomes such as the Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Handb

Re: T sub g

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 11:27:12 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | Alright gentlemen and ladies of the forum, I again seek knowlage on what is probably a well known fact. I have spent a good part of the morning with various IPC standards and weighty tomes such as the Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Han

Re: T sub g

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 15:37:50 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | | Alright gentlemen and ladies of the forum, I again seek knowlage on what is probably a well known fact. I have spent a good part of the morning with various IPC standards and weighty tomes such as the Electronic Packaging and Interconnection H

Foam fluxer maintenance, storage and cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 09:44:22 EST 2015 | davef

Purpose. This describes setting-up a wave soldering system set-up for a new assembly design or checking a wave solder machine operation with a test board. Applicability. To be used for new design printed circuit assembles and during machine accept

Foam fluxer maintenance, storage and cleaning

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 08 15:27:25 EST 2015 | davef

Thinner: Flux thinner, NOT paint thinner We kept a spare stone in thinner in inventory. We cut PVC pipe to size, cap in one end, screw thread on the other, stone inside, filled with flux thinner and covered with a screw cap. I don't remember who we


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