Electronics Forum: hydro (Page 1 of 1)

Kiss selective solder flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 07 12:50:21 EST 2019 | gregcr

Hi All, What are you running for selective solder flux? I'd like any opinion on water soluble and/or no-clean fluxes you are using. In our Kiss 104 machine we use HYDRO-X20 water soluble flux, per the original install suggestion, but I'd like to k

Interference to lights from Heller 1707 XL oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 14:42:20 EDT 2020 | kumarb

Some threads that may help: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/398199/filter-harmonics-in-ac-power-line still recommend that you contact Heller for advice. Consider to insert a UPS system between your hydro and one of the LED light fi

BGA void removal

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 07 13:15:41 EDT 2002 | razorsek

Russ, this post doesn't specificly address your original post but I thought it is relevant to your situation and future production. I have been having problems with voids using Kester's R596L paste. I contacted them for a solution to my problem. T

American RoHS

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 06 15:54:36 EDT 2009 | dilogic

A view from my perspective - EU is becoming over-bureauocrated mastodont (e.g. now they have 23 OFFICIAL languages - meaning each document HAS to be translated to ALL of them), resulting in such idiotic laws as that RoHS initiative. It's similar to c

changing from no-clean to clean

Electronics Forum | Wed May 22 08:43:40 EDT 2002 | pjc

I have experience cleaning NC for military boards. The reason for cleaning the NC is due to conformal coating requirements. Zestron Vigon A200 and Atron AC 100, as well as Petroferm Hydrex DX have both been effective at cleaning Alpha UP78 NC paste.


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