Electronics Forum: i3070 series 5 (Page 1 of 14)

Siemans CS/CF series machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 12 14:30:04 EDT 2003 | serial_killer

Does anyone have these machines yet? They are suppose to be a stripped down version of the S27/F5 platforms. Siemans says they are the same machine but have a diiferent head (6 nozzles vs 12). Do these machine and software run well? Or is it the usua

MPM Ultrapint series 2000

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 21:25:47 EDT 2006 | Chris

Try raising the table in Calibrate mode. Sensor or Tactile connector could be contacting the underside of the rails and overloading the axis. Check for 24V on the Z-axis brake. Check the fuse(F5) and voltage to the driver. Check DIP switch settin

Assembleon GEM series 380V/400V

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 29 09:27:49 EDT 2020 | zombee

Dear friends, We have a pack of Philips/Assembleon pick and place machines, from CSM and GEM series. I want to set up a "new" Emerald machine, it had been working in Germany 1.5 year ago. It has 3-phase connector. I noticed that it was set

Ekra E-X series squeegees compatibility

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 12:52:47 EST 2016 | cbeneat

I am not sure, we only have X series, but If you go to Transition Automation they show OEM replacements w/holes for E4,E5,E6 and X series to be the same.

Ekra E-X series squeegees compatibility

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 09:34:43 EST 2016 | oxygensmd

He everyone, We have an Ekra E5 screen printer which is really nice machine I think. Now I'm looking forward a new squeegees set. I don't know the E-series and the X-series can use both squeegees? Are the squeegee holder the same on this two machin

Re: Pros and Cons of Panasonic MV series chipshooter ?????

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 23 12:18:58 EDT 1998 | Peter

| | I am thinking of purchasing a Panasonic MV series chipshooter. If you own a Panasonic MV machine I would like to hear what you like and dislike about it. Is the service good? Are spare parts readily availiable? Does Panasonic support and follow

Help me find Manufacturer of XRAY Machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 04 14:48:56 EDT 2007 | kadelson

The end of support of the 5DX is only for the Series IIL system. The series 3 and Series 5000 are still supported. The support included Technical support and parts support.

Agilent 5DX Series 5.

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 15:45:27 EST 2016 | jg_annaanthan

Hi all, my site using x-ray machine "Agilent 5DX Series 5". The tester will hang around 10- 15 min during perform automatic startup at level "Delta Z". My site, we already change Front & Rear laser, burn galil, performed manual startup, total shutdow

Univesal ACI machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 11 10:15:28 EST 2020 | kierantennant

hi, I was wondering if anyone had tried to use a universal series 8 on a series 5 machine are they compatible? is there a way to make them compatible?


Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 30 10:34:21 EDT 2005 | gregp

Contact Systems C5 series: 18" x 31" without loss of feeder capacity.

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