Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 12:37:15 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko
| | | | | Hi, SMTASSY | | | | that�s what we do, soldering our double-sided-finepitch-BGA-and all-the-other-stuff-boards in vapourphase because it�s the only thing we have. | | First, we do not do real series produktion, only prototyping up to som
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 05:29:14 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko
| | | | | | | | Hi, SMTASSY | | | | | | that�s what we do, soldering our double-sided-finepitch-BGA-and all-the-other-stuff-boards in vapourphase because it�s the only thing we have. | | | First, we do not do real series produktion, only prototypi
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 15:30:22 EDT 1999 | SMTASSY
Perhaps a little hard to find but is there anyone who uses a vapor phase process to solder populated card with BGAs. I am interested in the success rate of such a process. It is obvious that the throughput is reduce vs a convection oven but still thi
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 11:11:18 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko
| Perhaps a little hard to find but is there anyone who uses a vapor phase process to solder populated card with BGAs. I am interested in the success rate of such a process. It is obvious that the throughput is reduce vs a convection oven but still t
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 11:50:47 EDT 1999 | Mario
| | Hi, SMTASSY | | that�s what we do, soldering our double-sided-finepitch-BGA-and all-the-other-stuff-boards in vapourphase because it�s the only thing we have. | First, we do not do real series produktion, only prototyping up to sometimes 20 uni
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 28 14:34:13 EDT 2000 | Gary Simbulan
Belive it or not, these boards were run through a Centech batch mode Vapor Phase machine. Single stage top side IR preheat. Vapor temp 218 C. Solder paste is an SN62 RMA.The boards were FR4 8 layer w/ solder mask, fairly conventional as might be e
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 14:19:30 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
Earl, et al, Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. First the caps. We still have
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 15:01:58 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
There are some common reason for capacitor cracking on my web page if you want to have a look. The document can be downloaded for your reference. | Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 14:52:16 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
| Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. | First the caps. We stil
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 15:00:12 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
There are some common reason for capacitor cracking on my web page if you want to have a look. The document can be downloaded for your reference. | Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior