Electronics Forum: ibl vapor (Page 1 of 2)

Re: BGAs and vapor phase

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 12:37:15 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | | | | Hi, SMTASSY | | | | that�s what we do, soldering our double-sided-finepitch-BGA-and all-the-other-stuff-boards in vapourphase because it�s the only thing we have. | | First, we do not do real series produktion, only prototyping up to som

Re: BGAs and vapor phase

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 05:29:14 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | | | | | | | Hi, SMTASSY | | | | | | that�s what we do, soldering our double-sided-finepitch-BGA-and all-the-other-stuff-boards in vapourphase because it�s the only thing we have. | | | First, we do not do real series produktion, only prototypi

Vapor Phase Ovens

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 30 16:14:46 EST 2020 | chapeshiel

Does anyone have any recommendations or experience with vapor phase ovens from Asscon, IBL, or Rehm Thermal? Looking for a medium-large machine with vacuum. On a brief look at the three companies, the options I am considering are Asscon's VP6000 and

Reflow Oven with Vacuum System

Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 18:07:22 EDT 2010 | jlawson

Vacuum Soldering is mostly available with Vapor Phase Soldering systems as a option. Asscon / IBL / Rehm Thermal all offer this... Rehms system is unique as they offer in place solder and vacuum vs the other two vendors that move a PCB with Molten

R&D Technical Services RD1 Vapor Phase Heater Gasket

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 20 17:05:58 EST 2022 | capse

IBL Technologies acquired them in 2013. The technical contact is service.us@ibl-tech.com

RD1 Vapor Phase Schematic

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 16 15:39:10 EDT 2019 | capse

R&D is now part of IBL. The tech support number for the US is 407-593-0126

Buying a new Reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 06:16:02 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice

We have enough volume/oversized products that batch vapor doesn't quite work. Once you move into the quasi inline or fully inline vapor system they become eye-wateringly expensive. Plus you get an entirely new process to learn, potentially increased

Vapor soldering

Electronics Forum | Sun May 02 21:28:13 EDT 2010 | aungthura

Thanks Larry We are loooking a bigger Vapor machine which could soldered our big size borad(600x600 mm)assembled with hundreds of sockets and thousands of components. How about IBL products? Anyone used before?

Manufacturers of

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 10 12:59:53 EST 2004 | anonymous

EPM-IBL of Germany is distributed in the USA by AICT Technologies hailing out of FLA. Ask for Eric Forg at 407-831-2550. They Sell Vapor Phase ovens that range from bench-top to in-line systems and everything in between.

Vapor Phase vs Convection for production

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 04 15:39:34 EST 2011 | pjc

There are also inline VP soldering machines too, go to this web site: http://www.ibl-tech.com/products_slc-blc.html

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