Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 24 10:20:39 EST 2007 | electronhose
Seriously, OSP?, change the board finish, you are the OEM, correct? You have the power! Also, as another poster mentioned, high force applied at ICT ( possibily to cut through the OSP goop ?!? ) could be warping the board enough to crack the joints.
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 11:37:09 EDT 2008 | pjc
Yes, sure. In fact in some applications ICT is coming back. Mainly due to the fact that more and more SMT discrete components have no markings, so AOI cannot tell you if you have the correct value on the PCB. Fixed pin or flying probe ICT is a valuab
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 16:54:46 EDT 2006 | pjc
In-Circuit test, or ICT, is the most common method of electrical test for an assembled PCB. It is the most comprehensive and accurate method to ensure that both the PWB and components are working to specification. Not all components however can be el
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 12 08:06:44 EDT 2007 | davef
Q1.� is it mondatory to test all components and paths in the PCBA; and check all soldering joints? A1. Nothing is mandatory. You do ICT to prove some component functionality and check manufacturing process. ICT test coverage is driven by factors i
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 15:52:51 EDT 2003 | russ
Is this a single sided or double sided board? We run the first side flat on the oven belt this keeps the board flat for the second side assembly. If the board warps during the second reflow process we will make a support fixture to carry the PCBA
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 24 11:24:07 EST 2007 | ruggi
I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know, but a technique that's worked very well in the past for me is to methodically step through every part of the process and observe your boards being built, or take a scrap or simulated one a
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 14 09:16:58 EDT 1999 | Adam Pratt
| | | | | Hello all! | | | | | Recently we got a problem about the Funtional test. Some boards passed tests by using the auto-fixture(vacuum), but failed by using manual test fixture(need to plug CPU, DIMM etc.). The error symptom is no picture. We d
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 17:01:21 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | | | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | | | Q: Can you get
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 17 10:24:12 EDT 1998 | smd
| | | | | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | | | | Q: Can yo
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 19 14:24:06 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | | | | | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | | | | | Q:
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