Electronics Forum: id codes (Page 1 of 92)

how can i id smt components that are marked with codes ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 08 11:52:30 EST 1997 | j martin

part of my job function is to id all component requirements for our company. quite often i run into smt components that have mfr codes and not actual component part numbers. does anyone out there know of a way to id these parts.

Re: how can i id smt components that are marked with codes ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 02:47:53 EST 1997 | jerdog

what you can do is call the manufacture and get a discription. | part of my job function is to id all component requirements | for our company. quite often i run into smt components | that have mfr codes and not actual component part numbers. | does

smt component id

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 07 20:51:23 EST 1997 | john martin

part of my job is to id and source electronic components. i have an ongoing problem iding smt devices w/mfr codes in place of actual part numbers does a cross ref guide exist that will enable me to id a smt transistor(eg)by the marking codes on the d

smt codes

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 23 12:13:57 EDT 2004 | ozzy

I have problem finding the values of two caps that are surface mount. There ID's are: One cap has a code of 1A5 the other cap has 225 16g 408 (yellow with a stripe) Thanks

smt codes

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 10:40:40 EDT 2004 | grayman

yah! Phil is right

smt codes

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 26 05:59:17 EDT 2004 | Phil

Check out http://clivetec.superihost.com/Capacitors.html there are tables there that will let you work out your values.

smt codes

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 28 01:55:10 EDT 2004 | grayman

ok. an honest mistake. Thanks!

smt codes

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 22:21:05 EDT 2004 | pdeuel

No Phil is not. I checked out his site and that shows reel codes and codes for dialetric and electrolitic caps. Monolithic multi layer caps are coded diferantly. Check out this page at http://www.vishay.com/docs/45028/vitmark.pdf

smt codes

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 23 12:47:53 EDT 2004 | mmjm_1099

Here's some codes.... maybe not ones you need but worth a look. http://clivetec.0catch.com/SMD_Codes1.htm

smt codes

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 23 14:27:18 EDT 2004 | russ

If you know the mfg. you can go to their website and they should have a list of coding that will show you the alphanumeric code scheme. The "striped part is definitely a tant 2.2 uF 16 V. The other if the coding is the same as the parts we use is a

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