Electronics Forum: illegal software (Page 1 of 1)

looking for the manual of Siemens HS180,SP120 and line computer

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 12:55:36 EST 2005 | Stefan

I don't know, what you are expecting? The complete set of manuals in folders weigh a few pounds and cost very likely ~ $400 in shipping and have to be paid in advance. There are manuals on a CD in .pdf format of about 200 Mb, which I offered to send,

New web site

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 26 16:41:46 EDT 2003 | lysik

Remember this. weather or not you have a machine registered the company is required to sell you parts. Registration is only for support and software. If you have a Part number and a company denies you parts it is illegal.


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