Electronics Forum: im 760 (Page 1 of 2)

Re: Manex MRP Software System

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 12:09:16 EDT 2000 | Robert V. Kritz

David, I have worked with Manex ERP system for serveral years and at two different companies. I'm currently the Project Leader in the implementation of Manex at my new place of employment. Your message didn't state what you were interested in knowin

Need opinion about KE740 and KE760 !

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 28 13:04:23 EST 2005 | fastek

Mike- This is sort of how it goes with Zevatech/Juki. 710-chipshooter, 720-Flex mounter 730-chipshooter, 740- Flex mounter 750- chipshooter, 760- Flex mounter (at about this time, Juki took over). So yes....the 730 is compatable with either the 74

chip mounters

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 02:07:16 EST 2011 | obrant

I'm looking for good/clean used chip mounters. juki ke760 yamaha yg100xg panasonic cm202 fuji kikai cp7, 8, 9

Need opinion about KE740 and KE760 !

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 28 08:09:12 EST 2005 | pjc

Yeah, I'm sure Juki can.

Lead Coplanarity issue....help

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 22 09:01:22 EDT 2005 | davef

We know of no one that provides that service, but manufacturers of coplanairity equipment might be able to give suggestions. Contact: * Synergistech, Inc.; 637 Lowther Rd, Lewisberry, PA 17339; 717-938-9323 800-324-7674 Fax: (717) 938-9364 synergiste

Juki Parallel pickup not working

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 01 10:31:34 EDT 2022 | spoiltforchoice

I'm not familiar with the machine, but isn't a KE760L an old slow "single head, single gantry" two spindle machine? Any speedup from simultaneous picking would not necessarily be that much of an improvement. Setup as you described is the way I would

R type solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 10:26:28 EDT 2017 | capse

I'm the Rep for KOKI in the southeast. They offer solder paste with a type R flux. You can call Shantanu Joshi (760-504-2544) for details.

assembly software for JUKI

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 09:13:23 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils

I currently run the HLC software suite with a 750/760 line and another 2060 line. For the 750/760 line I have to stick with the older HLC, version 4.5 I believe, which I actually run inside of a Windows 98 virtual PC using a dongle emulator. The 20

No such thing as a Compact Reflow Oven?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 03:45:39 EDT 2018 | reckless

Manncorp refuses to support used equipment. Plus their stuff looks like Torch ovens anyway with glorified controllers. They had a bad attitude towards their stuff. Did not sound like a responsible manufacturer to me. I did find two people suppo

Manufacturing in China, Revisited

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 11:06:11 EDT 2004 | stefwitt

At least the few people left in this industry should make a stink, why all these jobs went to China and take efforts to get them back. If I take a typical line, which can do 20,000 components an hour, costs $ 200,000, a board with 50 different compon

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