Electronics Forum: image intensifier (Page 1 of 1)

Image Intensifier for X-Ray

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 18 00:34:10 EST 2003 | masr

Thanks! But I'm looking for a used or out of service machine.

Image Intensifier for X-Ray

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 15 22:16:03 EST 2003 | masr

I'm looking for an Image Intesifier for an X-Ray equipment. X-Ray Image Intesifier Info: Make: North American Imagine Model: AI5844JP If any have info. please reply. Thanks in advanced!

Image Intensifier for X-Ray

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 11:08:34 EST 2003 | Cashmax

North American Imaging has a website at http://www.tubenet.com maybe you can contact them for a rebuild? Hope this helped.

Image Intensifier for X-Ray

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 16:51:05 EST 2003 | Todd La Marche

Hi Marco, Possibly I can help you. What is the spec for this II? Is it 6", 4", 4/2". If you can give me this data, I am sure that I can get you one. Todd

Guidelines for Cost Determination

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 11:15:53 EDT 2001 | Gil Zweig

The cost of an x-ray inspection system will be determined by the following inter-related paramers: 1. The focal spot size of the x-ray source. 2. The maximum tube voltage. 3. The physical size and shielding requirements of the systems. 4. The design

Heavy BGA Inspection

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 19 10:59:21 EDT 2001 | Gil Zweig

When x-ray inspecting BGA packages with metal heat spreaders tube voltages greater than those used for Plastic BGAs must be used. It must be recognized, however, that the tube votage required will depend on the particular sensitivity of the x-ray cam

BIG Daddy's Xray Machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 20 09:19:14 EDT 2001 | Gil Zweig

Dave: Your question is very astute. First let me make the observation that x-ray imaging is a technology that not many people in electronic fabrication are familiar with (but some think they are); consequently they are gullable acceptors of sales dis

Samsung SM320 VS Assembleon 8 head Opal XII

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 23:01:42 EDT 2006 | KEN

Larry, I've got to throw the BS flag here. "any part that could cause machine down time is kept in stock for immediate technical response." I have over 20 machines from Assembleon. I've been involved with many "firsts" throughout the evolution of


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