Electronics Forum: immersion silver immersion gold (Page 1 of 54)

PCB immersion silver discolouration

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 10:06:29 EDT 2008 | Sean

Hello Vlad, Davef, Your valuable inputs are much appreciated. Many thanks, Sean.

PCB immersion silver discolouration

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 20 07:11:28 EDT 2008 | Sean

Hello All, I used to hear that PCB with immersion silver finishing, its non component location pads, tend to be discolour (Yellowish) after went through heat cycle, such as reflow oven. However, if the component solderbility on the PCB is OK, can w

PCB immersion silver discolouration

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 21 10:55:52 EDT 2008 | vladig

As long as the surface is solderable, you should be fine. Silver tarnish a well0-known thing. Make sure, though, there is no sulfur (S) "around". Regards, Vlad

PCB immersion silver discolouration

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 22 15:32:20 EDT 2008 | davef

We see this fairly often. It doesn't affect solderability. Our analysis makes us think this coloration is copper. The reason copper appears on the surface may be that heat cycles increase the thinness and porosity of the immersion silver [IAg] coatin

soft gold vs immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 14:59:50 EDT 2004 | davef

Russ: Immersion gold [imm Au] is "soft" and it's "gold", but it is NOT "soft gold". Here's the question for your board house: If imm Au is "soft gold" and imm Au self-limits

soft gold vs immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 14:50:12 EDT 2004 | russ

This is interesting, I was once told by a PCB supplier that "soft gold" was immersion and the "hard gold" was the plated. But I agree with Dave F., Chris, what's going on? Russ

soft gold vs immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 16:09:50 EDT 2004 | Kris

Hi How does one distinquish between hard gold and immersion gold ? thickness is 4 to 10 u" for Au and 300 to 400 u" for nickel what happens if the gold drops below 3" and the nickel is above 350" what are the typical failure modes associated with

soft gold vs immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 19 14:58:24 EDT 2004 | Kris

thanks all

soft gold vs immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 11:49:44 EDT 2004 | Kris

Hi Guys thanks for the replies. Dave, the spec is not for enig but for hard gold does your response alter if thats the case /

soft gold vs immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 18:09:33 EDT 2004 | Kris

ok I agree there has been a confusion with terminology When you say electrolytic soft gold with a minimum thickness of 5-8 of Au, is there a standard that you spec this from ?

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