Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 13 05:48:52 EDT 2005 | charly
hi' i need advise on immersion silver PCb shelf life. 1) what is the shelf life for Immersion silver PCB? 2) iF PCB expire, can we bake the immersion PCB? what temp & duration? 3) How long can we keep the pCB again after rebaking? (with vacuum seal)
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 20 08:06:21 EDT 2005 | davef
We'd reject the boards because: * Vacuum seal is punctured. * HIC is expired. One of the nice things about immersion coatings is that the fab can rework the coating. You cannot do that with other coatings. Finally, every HIC that we investigated c
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 15 05:52:20 EDT 2005 | charly
hi Jon, does it mean the protective layer is coated after the immersion silver process? if we need to bake the PCb due to moisture issue, then we can not hold the pCB long due to the missing protective layer even with vacuum seal environment
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 13 07:10:17 EDT 2005 | masters
In addition,how to deal with the misprint immersion Ag PCB?Now,we just remove the paste,clean it,and exposed in air for 2 hours,and then put to use.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 14 06:00:01 EDT 2005 | bryan
The shelf life of immersion silver is 6 to 12 months in good storage conditions. The finish is usually coated with a protective layer that inhibits oxidation (like with copper OSP). Care must be taken when handling the boards as the protective la
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 18 20:44:30 EDT 2005 | davef
Charly: Why do you "need to bake the PCb due to moisture issue", if you're not going to use the board? Why bake the board, just to put it back in storage, absorb moisture, and require baking again?
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 20 01:08:16 EDT 2005 | charly
actually, i received a shipment from supplier where the vacuum seal was puntual and the HIC is out of order, the supplier ask me to bake and keep back into the store, but i worry is there any quality impact if i do so?
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 11:54:36 EDT 2005 | masters
The email address was stripped from this post, a user complained about receiving a virus or some malicious code from the suspected address. Knowingly sending viral code is against the law. Posting personal information to circumvent SMTNet is again
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 16:25:21 EDT 2002 | davef
Imm silver holds-up to multiple thermal cycles very well. The things, we guess, are happening to make imm silver tough to solder after heating and sitting are: * Oxidation of the silver. * Reduction of the co-deposited organic anti-tarnish [used in
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 05 07:46:46 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| We have mixed to negative feelings about Omikron, but I beileve it is due to problems with the board fabricator rather than the process itself. When done properly, our Omikron boards have had very good solderability. However, we have had several