Electronics Forum: impacted (Page 1 of 49)

Impact Value vs Placement Force

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 10 03:19:34 EST 2018 | Nirmal_Bay

Dear expert`s i am need some information regarding what is different between Impact Value and Placement Force. Normally we only used Placement Force for Pick and Place Machine. Any expert`s can explain for Impact Value? Thank You

SMT voiding

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 25 13:35:47 EDT 2012 | davef

Here's a paper that may help http://www.ipcoutlook.org/pdf/assembly_challenges_bottom_terminated_ipc.pdf Temperature Impact * Profile didn’t have a significant impact on voiding. * Voids slightly increased with higher temperature. Reflow Atmosp

What is gonna impact boards without silkscreen on quality and mf

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 19:28:23 EDT 2007 | karenp

What do you think is gonna impact or benefit using board without silkscreen on it, talking about quality and manufacturing methods??.. I mean.. it is an opportunity or bad idea.. specs of assemblies refers always to references on board so schematics

Impact Value vs Placement Force

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 11:37:50 EDT 2018 | nirmex

Hi Sir, Thank you for information and explanation. From your explanation i`am imagining the different Impact Value and Placement Force work like this. Please refer my attachment file.. Nirmal.Viallzoon

First documented case of tin whisker formation

Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 09:17:25 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel

Stephen, In addition to your comments The bothersome part is that NO environmental impact assessment report commissioned by the EU on the environmental impact of lead in solders and its alternatives exist. The two environmental impact reports that

Re: I wonder

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 15:47:39 EDT 1999 | Scott S. Snider

2 will have enormous impact on every other process. | thank in advance. | | |

Plating Thickness at Via Hole

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 03:21:56 EDT 2004 | ram

What will be the impact on the plating if the moisture outgas thru the PTH?Can the plate get damaged?

Leadfree Wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 22 06:52:05 EST 2005 | pjc

Yeah, the impact will be to contaminate the Pb Free solder in the pot with Pb (lead).

Solder Ball After Reflow Process

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 12:43:06 EDT 2006 | slthomas

"...percussive maintenance" Just for clarification, is this synonymous with "impact calibration"?

Pb-Free BGA on SnPb Assemblies

Electronics Forum | Thu May 01 11:36:05 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Have not seen any impact on the components.

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