Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 12:01:23 EDT 2006 | Rob
Strangely enough I'm in the process of getting measured up for my Crocodile Dundee hat.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 22 10:50:52 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel
Hi Rob, I'm not sure if you're kidding or not Are you moving to Australia? Here's a link to the text John Burke used to write the EU commission for an exempt on lead in solders on environmental grounds. (Supporting documentation links on the bottom
Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 10:22:34 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel
Here's a link to another analogy "get used to tin whiskers" http://www.reed-electronics.com/semiconductor/article/CA6332135?spacedesc=ne
Electronics Forum | Thu May 11 16:08:34 EDT 2006 | slthomas
Interesting read. Thanks for the link, Patrick.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 12:49:09 EDT 2006 | James
The link is broken.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 12:03:07 EDT 2006 | rlackey
Great, just what we need - Psuedo science. To paraphrase: We tried 99.5Sn/0.5Cu & it didn't work so we couldn't be bothered to try any other lead free alloy. So give us an exemption else we'll bury you up to the neck in the stuff. I have no probl
Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 05:17:18 EDT 2006 | Rob
Hi Patrick, Sorry, wrote it in a hurry on Friday afternoon, I meant show us evidence of a scientific trial on all or at least some other alloys. I accept Tin whiskers and other similar phenomina exist, I even accept that the whole ROHS directive
Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 11:12:20 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel
Slain, A melting point of 300C would be a little too high for the components and tinny boards. I just heard they will market the watches as Swiss "army" watches which makes them exempt.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 13:31:37 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel
Rob, I assume the exempt request is written by the legal department not by the technical department and translated from German to English. Please tell me what evidence you are looking for and I will see what I can do.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 17:01:56 EDT 2006 | stepheniii
Rob, it's not psuedo science, it's business. They have a problem, and have evidently tried a solution based on applying for an exemption. It's probably cheaper than trying every other possibility. I think it's the EU with the psuedo science to back