Electronics Forum: in line cleaner (Page 1 of 40)

Stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 11:06:27 EST 2003 | slthomas

Always a joy to see a stencil cleaner thread get opened up....lots of varying opinions as to what's needed, best, environmentally sound, etc. We use an ultrasonic batch cleaner that uses a detergent (dilute to 1:10 or 1:20, can't remember), then bo

Best PCB batch cleaner

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 09 11:13:30 EST 2014 | capse

Cope Assembly Products represents Technical Devices for their well established line of in-line and batch aqueous cleaners. You should give them a look. Our customers are extremely satisfied with their systems. http://www.technicaldev.com/index.html

Re: Ultrasonic stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 13 19:35:11 EDT 1998 | Mike Konrad

Aqueous Technologies manufacturers a "no-frills" stencil cleaning system. The Model designed to handle stencils up to 24" x 24" is available for under $ 10K. This system is, however, not ultrasonic, rather spray-in-air. If you desire information, c

Re: Tape residue cleaner

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 07 17:17:55 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: You should select and use low residue tapes. But ya know, ya go out and research a great tape and if yer not careful, the buyer will second source ya and (surprise) ya got residues again. We have found that Lemme say this about Katon tape

Standarts in production line

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 10:40:33 EST 2005 | emeto

Hello all, Can you tell me what standart is used for communication between machines in production line. I don't mean SMEMA. There is a standart for machine communication, they can communicate one with another. That is the way for example AOI says th

Standarts in production line

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 23:05:19 EST 2005 | pmd

Software driven RS-232 interface. machines must have compatable software.

Standarts in production line

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 10:34:35 EST 2005 | emeto

Thanks Base, I think that's what I heard about - GEM standart. If anybody knows something better or different from GEM, please write me.

Standarts in production line

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 20:32:54 EST 2005 | pmd

IMX, NEMI, CMAX. http://www.nemi.org search for IMX. http://www.eislab.gatech.edu/pubs/conferences/1999-mt99-scholand/

Standarts in production line

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 20:48:29 EST 2005 | pmd

sorry about mistake on last reply try this one and search their site for XML http://www.nemi.org search for XML.

Standarts in production line

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 06:03:55 EST 2005 | Base

Try the IPC-254x CAMX standards (webstds.ipc.org, no www prefix!). They define a set of generic and process-specific XML messages for equipment to send out all sorts of process-related events. I know there are standardized messages for print, dispens

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