Electronics Forum: in-line aqueous cleaners (Page 1 of 26)

fiducial cleaners

Electronics Forum | Wed May 09 20:35:55 EDT 2001 | davef

Beats me. I thought you said "We are seeing a haze left behind on our current cleaners." I don't even know why you need to clean fids. [Are you scrubbing each fid to make it bright and shiney? What's on them? Why are you doing this?][I'm sorry I

Inline aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 03 20:30:07 EST 2001 | Robert

James, if you want to get a circuit board wet, then any cleaner will do. Tighter componentry and BGAs are different. Even if you submerge a BGA, the surface underneath it will not be effected. Thus you need to force the chemistry mechanically unde

Drying after aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 17:39:54 EDT 2006 | russ

Well i guess you would not have to dry the boards but let me ask this, Are you hand cleaning water soluble flux in a sink? Never seen a cleaner without a dryer. Anyway temp and time for drying is easy to figure out. When boards are dry you have i

Drying after aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 03 16:42:48 EDT 2006 | Merle

The cleaner does have a dryer, but does not remove all moisture - we can see that. It is functioning - we can see that too.

Drying after aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 03 18:35:45 EDT 2006 | russ

So what are your current drying parameters? can you adjust temp and time? is this a batch cleaner that may have some shadowing from the way it is loaded causing hot air to not hit certain boards? Russ

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 20:49:19 EDT 2007 | davef

Batch cleaner * Aqueous Technologies, 9055 Rancho Park Ct, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730; 909-944-7771 F909-944-7775 aqueoustech.com * Austin American Technology; 12201 Technology Blvd, Austin, TX 78727; 512-35-6400 F512-335-5753 aat-corp.com * EMC Glob

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 00:49:07 EDT 2007 | Ron Rumrill

Let me chime-in regarding impact pressure. By definition, impact pressure is determined by several factors: 1. The weight of the water (a constant) 2. Its velocity (determined by the GPM and nozzle�s orifice size) 3. The area impinged (determined

Researching stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 18:00:35 EST 2001 | Mike Konrad

I would recommend pH neutral chemistries, particularly if a semi-automatic machine is to be used. There are many chemistries available. A partial list of chemistries that I have tested, and that are compatible with a variety of cleaning equipment i

Researching stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 09:41:06 EST 2001 | CAL

Our Stencil cleaner is of the Aqueous Technologies variety (AQ-201sc). Being a research company we change chemistries often. We recently have used Petroferm and Zestron Chemistries. Both Chemistries have met all of our expectations to date. Contact I

Re: Stencil screen cleaners

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 15:16:40 EDT 1999 | Mike Konrad

Stencil cleaner manufacturers that (in our opinion) build quality machines: Aqueous Technologies (800) 218-8128 (that's us) Branson (203) 796-0400 EMC (215) 340-0650 Austin American (512) 335-6400 Questions??? Call me at (800) 218-8128 and

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