Electronics Forum: indium 3592 (Page 1 of 1)

Kyzen or Zestron?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 12:02:33 EDT 2007 | grics

Thanks for the excellent info on testing uncured solder mask. I just checked with Chris Nash of the Indium Knowledge base and he told me that the Indium 3592 can be cleaned if need be and that I should contact Kyzen or Zestron (they are the 2 compan

Kyzen or Zestron?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 08:55:01 EDT 2007 | grics

Well... Some are worse than others... How can you identify that it is caused by uncured mask and not flux residues? The flux is from indium, 3592. Some research in their tech library revealed that either Kyzen or Zestron would work, which is the re

Kyzen or Zestron?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 08:26:14 EDT 2007 | davef

Testing for solder mask cure: Search the fine SMTnet Archives, for instance: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=15726 Residue after wave: Water in your wave soldering flux may cause your NC flux residue to go white. Indium W

Solder in wave soldering: Which one is the best?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 13:13:25 EST 2005 | russ

ING, you had to nake it difficult didn't ya! It appears that all of your parameters are okay. When you state that "sometimes there is a residue" is it liquidous or dry? Is your spray fluxer an ultrasonic or a spray gun head? You may not be getting

ive solder profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 14:17:18 EDT 2008 | grics

Patrick, you are right. I am sorry. It is a Water based flux. (We have another no clean flux indium 3592 that is used in our leaded process. It is alcohol based and had their base confused) Chunks, yes, this has always been a problem. If ther


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