Electronics Forum: industrial and image and processing (Page 1 of 8)

Re: SMT and PCB

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 13 03:58:36 EST 1998 | B.D.

| I want to find information about SMT and PCB: | | Process | Manufacturing | How it work | Lynn, A good place to start to learn about this industry is to click on some of the resources that are on this site! You may want to obtain a book to s

Re: IPC and Nepcon

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 14:42:22 EST 1998 | Dave F

| I heard somewhere that SMEMA has joined IPC, and that the association has decided to boycott Nepcon from | year 2000. Can anyone tell me if this is true | Nick: SMEMA and IPC are talking about merging (EP&P, 11/98, p 18). Below is a news release

SAC305 and Selective Soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 15:40:59 EDT 2013 | 18424

Good day all, I wanted to get a quick poll from the folks running SAC305 in their selective soldering equipment. How are final results? How repeatable is the process, any machine related failures? pumps? nozzles? etc... I am just looking to get a

SAC305 and Selective Soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 15:47:04 EDT 2013 | 18424

Good day all, I wanted to get a quick poll from the folks running SAC305 in their selective soldering equipment. How are final results? How repeatable is the process, any machine related failures? pumps? nozzles? etc... I am just looking to get a

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 20:18:31 EDT 2020 | jlawson

Can not speak for CircuitCam is made by Aegis Software I veliveve sound like need to get understanding of how tool is supposed to work to extract-create centroid positions. Using Gerber Only is a pattern match and cacluate logic process - ie make pac

AOI, Quality and SPC

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 05 12:23:31 EST 2003 | msivigny

Hello Phil, We did use an Oracle relational database with an Access front end to input and query data from the system for reports. We did not perform SPC with the Oracle dB. As the whole data collection process was completely customized, we hadn't im

Equipment and Product Certification

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 12:05:12 EDT 2015 | davef

“The global automotive industry demands world class levels of product quality, productivity and competitiveness as well as continual improvement. To achieve this goal many vehicle manufacturers insist that suppliers are certified to the quality manag

ICT and specifying PCBA testing

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 26 15:17:30 EDT 2010 | jooh

Thanks for your replies! So what I understand is that ICT in reality is "only" a production process safety net, but it's a net that in most practical cases is needed. What ICT can not catch is (all) bad solder joints. What are the methods to find t

MSD in asembly and rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 16:17:39 EST 1998 | Robin Arnold

Do you know if ther is an IPc standard or industry standard that addreese the issues regarding the proper process for handling MSD's in the production environment....? (rework etc.) Not the receiving area. Thanks so much, Robin Arnold PCB Development

MSD in asembly and rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 16:20:10 EST 1998 | Robin Arnold

Do you know if there is an IPC standard or industry standard that addresses the proper process for handling MSD's in the production environment....? (rework etc.) Not the receiving area. Thanks so much, Robin Arnold PCB Development Harris Semiconduc

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