Electronics Forum: industries rework 40stations (Page 1 of 17)

BGA rework

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 28 23:05:56 EDT 2004 | FocalSpot

Hi Daniel, I would suggest you check out http://www.focalspot.com. FocalSpot offers an advanced rework station from Japan, the RD-500 Series, which is unique to the industry and tailored for lead free rework and challenging BGA applications due i

BGA rework

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 16:38:57 EDT 2009 | hegemon

'Hege is checking in for the DRS25 by Air Vac. Forced Air Convection reflow, and huge heating capacity for bottom side, ensuring minimum Delta T across the PCB during the process. Have 3 of these machines constantly in use for the last 2 and a half

BGA rework systems

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 22 12:34:14 EST 2002 | timreisenleiter

I am in the process of sourcing and ordering a BGA rework station. I only have exprerience with the OK-Industries (Now Metcal) BGA-3500 BGA rework system. Any experience/input on other comparable systems would be much appreciated (Pace TF3000, Air-

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 13:17:06 EDT 1999 | Jeff Ferry

| | | Hiya, | | | | | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | | | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | | | | | Cheers | | | | | Why IR ? Ok, I�ve seen only one but that thing burnt the PCB before the s

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 14:18:28 EDT 1999 | Jeff Ferry

| | | | | Hiya, | | | | | | | | | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | | | | | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | | | | | | | | | Cheers | | | | | | | | | Why IR ? Ok, I�ve seen only one but that

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 13:37:06 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | Hiya, | | | | | | | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | | | | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | | | | | | | Cheers | | | | | | | Why IR ? Ok, I�ve seen only one but that thing burnt the

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 22:18:50 EDT 1999 | Dave F

snip | | | | | I add my opinion to MoonMan's, hot air is the way to go. We have 3 big systems for BGA rework, 2 from AirVac, 1 from OK Industries. For most other SMT rework needs we use simple hot air systems. We have over a dozen of these small

PCB baking for rework

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 17 11:45:48 EDT 2002 | fmonette

The current IPC/JEDEC standard J-STD-033 for moisture-sensitive devices does not include a bake cycle at 90C (it includes cycles at 40C and 125C for non-assembled components in reels or trays). However, the upcoming revision, which should be release

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 14:30:09 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | | Hiya, | | | | | | | | | | | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | | | | | | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | | | | | | | | | | | Cheers | | | | | | | | | | | Why IR ? Ok, I�ve seen on

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 28 04:07:33 EDT 1999 | Jacqueline Coia

| | | | | | | Hiya, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | | | | | | | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Cheers | | | | | | | | | | | | | Why IR ?

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