Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 23:42:20 EDT 2020 | smiran082
Hello, I am having trouble the QSV-1 PNP machine. On boot it had trouble connecting to the RT computer as it was hung on a message saying something along the lines of, "Establishing connection to RT computer". After several restarts we still could
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 22 21:24:02 EDT 2019 | richgreen01
Hi All I have the above machine and every day on start up i get the failed to initiate hardware message.I have been getting around this by re initiating the motor controllers and it is good to go after this.Does anyone know the causes of the initiat
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 20 13:13:20 EDT 2016 | ttheis
Hi Guys, Yesterday one of our two gsm1 machines just stopped moving and let down the board mid-production. The epc computer continued to respond but no messages were displayed when palming up or down. I tried local IO and it said no IO was configure
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 22:51:05 EST 2021 | rob1
We have a DEK 265 Horizon and it exhibits a problem with conveyor belts. When I power up the DEK and try to paste boards, it fails to initialize the conveyor. I have to go into Maintenance and select cycle boards on rails. This too fails, but when I
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 16:19:57 EST 2005 | black5629
Anyone out there knows how to reset initialization failed error on a Photon Dynamics SV-2000 AOI machine. The manual said to cycle power on servo box, I can't seem to reset. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 22 12:30:33 EDT 2020 | emeto
So is the initial motor at fault failing now or the one from zone 3?
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 02 11:41:54 EST 2011 | ev
First we get a "transducers out of sync" error which can be corrected when we go to the "reinitialize hardware" option in the Utilities menu. However, when it fails to initialize the error is "Xfan not working".
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 30 20:48:09 EST 2021 | openindus
We acquired the machine few weeks ago and it was working fine until the printer won't initialize anymore with "USC park failed" error. It seems that the printer won't respond to "4 MAXY_SP 61,0" message. Is someone has already en
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 22 15:44:42 EST 2010 | remullis
Just bought a used machine and everything was working fine and now the camera will not initialize. Powered down completely and rebooted, same thing. I powered down again moved camera to center of axis, it moves to the lower right hand corner which I
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 30 16:41:48 EST 2010 | dyoungquist
Hi Ev, We are running a TP9-2 which should be very similar to your TP11-UFP. I need a little more information to be able to help. Is it failing on the initialize hardware step? Or is it a different point in the start up sequence that it fails? Wha