Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 03 08:00:24 EDT 2019 | makersan
Hello to everyone, we want to buy a screen printer machine. screen printer, what are the features to be considered? The smallest package we use is 0402, we also use QFN components. We want to get the features of 2D review and measuring the amount of
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 17 17:39:24 EDT 2001 | johnw
Hi Jeff Am I correct in asumming that the dek requires different stencil designs compared to the mpm ie Take a 6th stencil and print on a dek then a mpm and the results are very diffrent The reason I am asking this is we
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 16:41:22 EDT 2011 | jlawson
SJ Innotech from (Korea), make excellent printers, have some excellent features, other do not have, great bang for buck, well built. Have machine with FULL 3D SPI built in, first machine maker to offer this on market. Also offer long PCB models for
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 19 08:52:31 EST 2007 | pavel_murtishev
Good afternoon, DEK�s Pump Print is used for solder paste printing as well. Send your design to DEK and they will design the Pump Print stencil for your needs. Please note that price for pump print stencils is five times higher compared with convent
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 23 16:42:44 EST 2017 | emanuel
Anyone who uses a DEK Europa can share some information please? Known problems, availability of parts, overall experience or how it compares with other DEK models made between 2004 to 2008... Horizon, Galaxy, etc. We consider purchasing one to replac
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 02 20:23:57 EST 2002 | Brad
How do the MPM printers compare to DEK's price and function?
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 21 02:28:54 EDT 2015 | dinhhuunam
Juki GL-1.... Any thoughts? I'm New to the > industry and I'm trying to buy a new screen > printer. I have two in mind, DEK and Juki. Hi Sir, I'll advise you the SJ INNOTECH Vision Screen printer Best Solution & Service for You Model HP-520S Hi
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 09:06:26 EDT 2000 | Chad
We are currnetly looking at switching form squeegee's to the Dek ProFlow head system. Just looking for feedback on the performance compared to squeegee's. Also here the ProFlow reduces the amount of waste of solder paste. Can anyone reflect on these
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 06 19:33:28 EST 2001 | jhingtgen
DEK wrote a paper that compared 45 degree blades vs 60 degree blades. This paper was presented at APEX 2000 by Jay Hinerman. Email me at jhingtgen@dek.com and I will ensure you get a copy.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 19:18:42 EDT 2002 | lysik
I really would not compare the 2 systems. A ELA is more like MPM's UP-1500. The UP-2000 is more like the DEK Horizon or Infinity. You just opened up one of the great debates of the SMT world. MPM or DEK? You will have people on both sides defend the