Electronics Forum: inspection arrows (Page 1 of 1)

pcb component defect

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 17:59:39 EDT 2011 | davef

inspection arrow Brady and Shercon are two brand names. People like Digi-Key and All-Spec sell them

Burn from Soldering Iron or Measling ??

Electronics Forum | Thu May 14 22:45:46 EDT 2009 | davef

You're correct. It's a peculiar looking defect. With measling, we expect to see discrete white spots or crosses just below the surface of the base material. We don't see that here. We do see a similar condition at almost every PTH in the picture, a

QC Job Definition

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 22:26:25 EDT 2004 | davef

Probably every shop on the planet uses QC-types differently. They inspect boards for us, based on a sampling plan and work instructions for that board. When they find a problem, they put a little adhesive arrow on the board that points to the probl

Re: SMD Inspection and Touch-up

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 12:49:47 EDT 1999 | Tony

| There is a practise within the industry of an Inspector inspecting a board, and that same Inspector performing touch-up. My opinion is that the Inspection and Touch-up operations should be separate functions whereby the Inspector is not performing

Re: SMD Inspection and Touch-up

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 23:47:03 EDT 1999 | Scott McKee

| | | There is a practise within the industry of an Inspector inspecting a board, and that same Inspector performing touch-up. My opinion is that the Inspection and Touch-up operations should be separate functions whereby the Inspector is not perform


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