Electronics Forum: instruments 10pc board (Page 1 of 9)

PTF, how to feeder teach universal instruments

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 03 01:07:29 EST 2022 | poly

I've got access to the universal manuals / voyager but I haven't found a section that describes the feeder teach setup process, I can pick up the teach slug onto the conveyor and then get into feeder teach but if I teach the corners of the slug as t

PTF, how to feeder teach universal instruments

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 11:55:22 EST 2022 | poly

So I'm attempting to run feeder teach for my platform tray feeder... but I've got no idea what first point I should teach is... normal is the end pin of the feeder but this is for the ptf conveyor... so I've got no idea. If I just teach each corner

Profiling board

Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 14:35:40 EDT 2002 | pjc

There are instruments from ECD, KIC and Datapaq that are used in addition to classic profiling for oven thermal management and they also have some very efficient prediction software for profiling. I am not an advocate of common profiles. Most boards

Re: Mil-P-28809

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 05:46:12 EDT 1999 | Brian

| Thank you all for your replies. I guess my age in this industry is showing. This military spec. does not appear to be in existance. So, let me make my request a little more to the point: | | Is anyone aware of a specification specifically refer

getting boards clean

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 16:12:48 EDT 2000 | John Maxwell

We are using a water wash paste for our boards which is leaving ionic contamination ( salts). In the presence of low humidity levels this creates the effect of a capacitor. Our product which is test instrumentation does not calibrate. I am lookin

Placement on 180 degrees rotated (Mirrored) panel on Universal Instrument equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 11:22:34 EDT 2018 | sarason

To answer your question directly Boardwidth - X = newX for a flipped board. Plus adjustments for your offset if your board is not perfectly symetrical You can try my program PCBSynergy which generates many formats from CAD files, or PCBCSV files. If

Solder joint strength

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 23 20:44:25 EST 2005 | pmd

Sounds like EA has way too much free time on his hands. How are you taking a reading. What instruments are you useing to get a reading. What are you looking for? Voids? Adhearsion? Contamination? Why would you need to know what it takes to break a co

Re: Solderability Test Kit

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 23 22:20:51 EST 2000 | Dave F

Chris: I'm unsure about the kits you seek. Solderability of: * Components: J-STD-002, Dip And Look Method. Malcom Instruments makes a very nice tester. * Boards: IPC TM-650 2.4.12A Solderability, Edge Dip Method Good luck Dave F

ODB++ vs Gerber file

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 02 20:53:29 EST 2002 | davef

Gerber[R] Data (File). Used in directing a photoplotter during printed circuit board and stencil artwork fabrication. Gerber Scientific Instrument Company used to be the dominant producer of the photoplotters used for "shooting" film, back when mec


Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 09:51:47 EDT 2004 | davef

Yes These instruments are intended for process control. So, it's unrealistic to attempt to correlate readings between machines. Read the EMPF report that Cal recommends here in this thread: http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID

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