Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 13:09:04 EST 2000 | Prawin Paulraj
i would like some information about interfacing SMT machines of varying standards(SMEMA,SMPI). i Would like to know as to how to interface machines using different standards thank you
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 20:49:48 EST 2000 | Dave F
Here's what I know about SMEMA and SMPI: SMEMA: An organization within IPC focusing on defining physical and computer protocol interface between production machines. Most equipment suppliers design their machines to physically meet SMEMA requireme
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 06:57:18 EST 1998 | Brian Pollitt
We're using Cimetrix Host Manager to communicate with MPM UP3000 printers specifically to capture measurement and system settings and error messages. It all works fine until the printer is taken off line. The GEMComm S/W on the MPMs PC (DOS) doesn't
Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 22:34:22 EDT 2021 | hgurusamy
Hi, wondering if anyone knows what is the difference between the Fuji Host Interface and the FujiFlexa User Host Interface. We are trying to purchase the Host Interface v6.28 in order to pull data from the NXT machine into our system but the Fuji re
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 18 11:40:28 EDT 2010 | nobby
hi, can anybody sell me the user interface for my 318? Thanks nobby
Electronics Forum | Fri May 13 14:59:36 EDT 2011 | vickt
The Universal machines both had GEM interfaces as an option. thx
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 20:24:41 EDT 2023 | ttheis
Conveyors are connected to machines with SMEMA cable interfaces; any edge conveyor manufacturer will have this interface.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 11 03:32:16 EDT 2000 | Charles Stringer
Can anybody advise where I can get the full SMEMA interface specification. I need to move about an old line and interface to Siemens Siplace which I understand is not true Smema - I have a spec for the Siplace interface - I now just need one for Smem
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 14:53:39 EST 2014 | mi
Hi, Surya just got this Flexa SW with PC/Windows & interface card system to download SMT placement programs to Fuji CP65. Does anyone have correct & complete interface setup procedure? thanks for the help. MI
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 03 14:45:16 EST 2015 | ttheis
Thanks. Our older oven does have a basic PC interface but no SMEMA. Maybe I can write a short program for the oven's PC to pace the boards into the oven. I could interact with the conveyor's SMEMA interface via low-cost Arduino or something similar.