Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 13:21:34 EST 2011 | cyber_wolf
Try switching to a different board and see if the error goes away. If it does, it has something to do with one of the loader sensors not being made.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 30 17:06:19 EDT 2020 | bboyer
So, I have inherited a couple of "vintage" GSM1 machines, and we've got one powered up, trying to see if it even works, before registering the machine and paying Universal some money. It appears several of the safety interlock switches are triggered
Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 09:18:18 EDT 2020 | ilavu
Also, Check jumpers on 9pin connectors at front, rear and both side. If anyone missing or broken, will do the same.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 01 15:35:03 EDT 2020 | travishemen
I'm not sure if these are similar to our Genesis machines but if they have removable feeder banks they are part of the safety circuit. If they are not installed or if the sensors on them are misaligned it will show the same as an interlock violation
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 08:08:37 EST 2009 | leemeyer
I am assuming that the card that was changed was the motor driver card. Did they change the card with a known good board or just swap the X and Y cards. If they swapped cards it appears that the card that is now in the X motor slot is bad. Open the a
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 09 05:06:52 EDT 2014 | bobpan
Are you sure you don't have a door interlock problem? Some of the covers of mirae machines have a physical switch and a magnetic switch that both have to be made for the interlock to be closed. It could be if you have a magnetic switch that the magne
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 07:07:29 EDT 2017 | jdengler
That means you are not clearing the interlock condition. Probably a switch has been bumped out of place or sometimes a wire for a switch gets broken.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 12:24:18 EDT 2010 | remullis
Can you remove the interlock mechanism that makes the switch from the hood insert into the switch and trick the machine then close the hood palm down and put everything back? Some machines use magnets, some use the slotted switch with a metal key t
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 13 19:48:31 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance
The front door has as security switch, indeed. It works ok. A lever switch for override the door switch is also included from factory. (It don´t look good from the safety point of view but, you know). There is also a presostatic switch on the air reg
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 10 08:13:48 EDT 2013 | bobpan
Check to make sure the side covers are closed. It is probably an interlock problem. Also if you have carts...make sure the plunger switches are down. Good Luck