Electronics Forum: internal (Page 1 of 89)

Thickest internal copper layer?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 10 13:24:36 EST 2013 | kenkay

What is the thickest internal copper layer we could get in a pcb?

Thickest internal copper layer?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 15 10:19:39 EST 2013 | boriskilk

For a multilayer board the thickest internal copper layer we will do is 0.062".

internal tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 13 13:49:57 EST 2007 | coop

I am talking about an internal tray holder It holds two trays. the lingo doesn't really matter because if you say Internal tray feeder/holder the guys at philips will know exactly what you're talking about. I checked several refurb places and the onl

internal tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 13:42:50 EST 2007 | coop

I was asked to get our phillips topaz suited up with an internal tray feeder. The problem is I can't find one anywhere.Is there any clues as to where I might find one?

internal tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 13 12:31:34 EST 2007 | coop

At my last job, I ran a phips topaz with an internal tray feeder ,that we put in, and the only problem we had was getting the thing level after it was level we didn't experience any difficulty but the one we had was made from machined aluminum. I alr

internal tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 15:58:50 EST 2007 | Cmiller

You should still be able to buy one from Philips. I think they cost aroud $2,500 new. I think we may be willing to sell one. If your interested e-mail me at cmiller@adltech.com

internal tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 13 12:37:53 EST 2007 | slthomas

Are you referring to a feeder or just a platform to place trays on? I'm looking at a used Topaz purchase right now and am trying to make sure I understand the language. Have you tried any of the refurb houses for this stuff?

Thickest internal copper layer?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 15 22:26:34 EST 2013 | boardhouse

Ken - are you looking for copper weight or material thickness as Paul answered. If your talking copper it would be 5 oz. Regards, Mike

internal tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 13:41:20 EST 2007 | coop

I contacted philips/assembleon and they said it was 1,200 new I think we might end up going this route, I've stacked up old trays before, would rather not restrict the amount of feeders I can load, but you're right it will get yah by in a pinch. than

internal tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 12 18:53:15 EST 2007 | Cmiller

They must have ended up with a bunch of them in stock because they never quoted a price that low to us, of course Im getting older and my memory is not that great anymore. If you have even decent machine shop, make your own. The factory one is made o

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