Electronics Forum: io head board kv1-m4570-022 yamaha (Page 1 of 1)

io head unit kv8-m4570

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 00:51:03 EDT 2010 | jeffr

This particular Yamaha Head I/O Board is a common failure. Yamaha supply an updated version which is less likely to fail. The cause of the problem that you see is due to the connectors on the flexing and damaging the inner layers of the board. The on

Philips / Assembleon / Yamaha Topaz Xii start up issue - handshake error

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 18 02:43:37 EDT 2014 | tjbooc

CHECK IO BOARDS STATUS, CHECK HEAD IO 24VDC SUPPLY, CHECK 24VDC SUPPLY TERMINAL, CHECK WIRING CONNECTED TO HEAD IO I think this is an I/O communication problem. Fail in connecting to I/O cards.

Philips Orion 2 Error Message

Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 22:14:21 EDT 2007 | DSD

The Philips Orion (Yamaha YV100) Head I/O Board is usually at fault as this tends to suffer trackwork problems with age due to the constant flexing of the board stressing the connectors on the board, thus breaking tracks within layers. You should not


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