Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 04 21:06:07 EST 2009 | shan
I'm looking for test labs in Taiwan that are capable of performing ionic contamination testing on small to medium sized SMT boards. I'm interested in both ion chromatography and ROSE test methodologies. Is anyone aware of any labs performing contami
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 07:45:15 EST 2006 | davef
For more than you want to know about static and dynamic testers, read EMPF report RR000013, "An In-Depth Look at Ionic Cleanliness Testing". Request it from http://www.empf.org/index.html#
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 17:15:48 EST 2006 | Mike Konrad
Asoe, The systems you are describing are Resistivity of Solvent Extract (ROSE) Testers. These systems are available using one of two technologies, Static or Dynamic. Both systems use a calibrated test solution comprised of IPA and DI water. The t
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 19:17:12 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad
Hi Richard My experience with R.O.S.E. testers has been positive with regard to detecting ionic contamination (even exceptionally low levels). As previously mentioned, a good R.O.S.E tester will be able to detect minuet levels of ionic contaminatio
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 29 21:33:30 EDT 2001 | CAL
Your Ionograph and Zero-ion Values are set by you. There is no raw pass of fail criteria only the limits you set up. Ionograph is great for bare board resistivity (salt) test just as a pass fail for incoming inspection but this is all per your facto
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 21:03:44 EDT 2001 | davef
You should specify the level of res based on the effect of the res on the end-use of the product. J-STD-001 defines cleanliness requirements for ALL flux types, including water soluble and no-clean that you mention. 1 There is no equivalency betwee
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 17 18:37:59 EDT 2008 | aqueous
We manufacture both bulk and localized ionic contamination testers. My answer is from the perspective of the cleanliness testing method. The issue with all bulk ionic contamination testers (Ionagraph, Omegameter, Zero-Ion), is that they test the en
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 17 04:31:52 EDT 2008 | d0min0
Hello, tried searching the SMTnet archives, but not yet a clear answer - maybe there is not a one yet ? ;) last discussion I found is few years old so maybe there is a fresh view on that? Q: we want to prove that our proces is "clean" we use SAC30
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 11:25:25 EST 2004 | Haran
Are you looking for Ionic Contamination Test?
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 05 10:24:56 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| I have just been assigned to look into the ionic chromotograhy test on our PCBA but I have zero knowledge. Could anyone help to explain what is this test about? Is it | a) a destructive test? | b) What is the measurement unit of this test? | c) Wh