Electronics Forum | Wed May 23 15:11:21 EDT 2018 | jacobidiego
Hi experts, I asked our chinese board manufacturer about their recommended procedure to clean miss-printing. The answer was that they use Absolut Alcohol while use IPA currently and we are moving to a water based cleaning agent with ultrasound. Th
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 07:57:51 EST 2005 | davef
AJ: Problems with IPA are: * IPA / material being 'cleaned' combination still needs to be removed from the stencil. * IPA and empty containers are a hazardous material by RCRA criteria (40CFR 261) * Flash point (~12*C TCC) of IPA is low enough that a
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 11 05:26:55 EDT 2008 | gersla
Hi All We are looking for not expensive solution for misprint PCB cleaning for both one and double side assemblies. We have tried different ways and cleaning solutions like: IPA, Vigon Zestron SD300, Vigon SC200 by deep the boards in to stainless ste
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 07:16:44 EST 2005 | pjc
Besides IPA, here is a list of links to cleaning agent suppliers besides Zestron, Vigon is a very good cleaning agent: http://www.envirosense.com/ http://www.kyzen.com/ http://www.petroferm.com/ If you give them your material mfr. and part numbe
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 05:07:44 EST 2005 | aj
we use IPA ( isopropyl alcohol)
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 18 17:20:16 EDT 2008 | jlawson
Try Avantec Topklean EL-60, can clean off solder paste or uncured glue, is hydrocarbon based cleaner - but with high flash point. Will evapourate faster than water based solutions, not as fast as IPA , but does much better job.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 04:26:13 EDT 2013 | eniac
I don't know about Universal GSM, but for my Mirae's nozzles I use IPA and small US-bath.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 15:30:07 EDT 2006 | George
Hi John, Are you talking about cleaning the pallets after running to store them? or during production? well in any case...I recently started to use this cleaning solution "Cybersolv" from Kyzen. It is water soluble and also can be used instead of IP
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 21:49:38 EST 2006 | davef
First, we assume the white residue is only on the connector and not on other components. That would imply that either: * White stuff was on the connector when it came in-house from your supplier. [Confirm this theory by baking some connectors from
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 01 09:43:52 EST 2004 | russ
See Daves Answer above and change it to "paste mfgr." Also most all of the cleaning companies have chemistries. Are you cleaning noclean or W.S.? IPA works if you clean them manually, Or the chemicals that the Ultra sonics mfgrs recommend. Search