Electronics Forum: ipa di water (Page 1 of 52)

di water washing

Electronics Forum | Mon May 03 17:48:54 EDT 2010 | jrr3434

I need to wash a bach of boards (25) using di water. I plan on washing them by hand. What would be the best way to go about drying them?

di water washing

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 08:14:33 EDT 2010 | rgduval

Rinse them clean. Blow them out with some shop air. And let them dry in an oven for awhile.

di water washing

Electronics Forum | Wed May 05 12:00:35 EDT 2010 | jrr3434

Thanks for the info! What's a good type of oven for baking boards in?

di water washing

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 09:45:05 EDT 2010 | dyoungquist

Only use the shop air if it is clean and dry. I know from experience that one can get water and a little oil from the compressor in the air lines. We are in a drier climate with humidity levels in the 25%-35% range on average. All we do is let the

di water washing

Electronics Forum | Wed May 05 09:00:53 EDT 2010 | davef

IPC-A-610D Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 and Table 3.1 specifically mention compressed air as a source of ESD damage

di water washing

Electronics Forum | Wed May 05 13:47:00 EDT 2010 | davef

For sources of baking ovens, look here: http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=56260

di water washing

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 19:24:35 EDT 2010 | jry74

We bake all of our boards at 220 degrees F for two hours. This bakes out all the moisture. Blow off the parts prior to placing in the oven.

di water washing

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 12:43:55 EDT 2010 | rgduval

Good point on the shop air. Shop air can also generate a tremendous amount of ESD. There are special nozzles you can get to minimize it. We use our shop air mostly for blowing out connectors, and larger components that have a history of trapping w

de-ionized water

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 05 10:49:31 EDT 2007 | realchunks

Hi WRIGHT, When you the standard, I assume you are talking about what kind of set-ups. If so, then RDR is right. Contact a supplier. Most sell the water and also units that can make D.I. water. It depends on your need and size of your cleaner.

DI water

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 13:40:30 EST 1999 | dennis warner

We've been using a newly installed DI re-circulating system. It's been a big headache. Mostly understanding what causes our resistivity to be unpredictable. I think I've got a handle on that part now. The system consists of a Carbon,HMR(chealet),Cati

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