Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 21:49:38 EST 2006 | davef
First, we assume the white residue is only on the connector and not on other components. That would imply that either: * White stuff was on the connector when it came in-house from your supplier. [Confirm this theory by baking some connectors from
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 21:43:40 EDT 2001 | mugen
Hi, We use IPA and Prozone, if IPA is so drastically detrimental, to the pcba's.....what suggested alternative, can you please recommend, as IPA replacement? Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 10:55:37 EDT 2001 | davef
saturation occurs at ppm levels. Remember, IPA is extremely flammable and its bulk use makes the plant liable to all sorts of quite repressive safety rules/regulations and so on. Ignoring these rules exposes the owner to fines and possible plant cl
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 14:53:45 EDT 2001 | Jeff Meier
We have customers that are requiring no flux residue left on boards after soldering of non-water washable parts. We currently use Multicore Crystal 502 No-Clean to solder parts that are not washable. Has anyone come up with a good way to remove this
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 09:49:26 EDT 2001 | ksfacinelli
This is a real problem. We have experimented with a number of off the shelf products as well as discussed the issue with a few solder manufacturers. As you are aware IPA or Flux off can make the product look worse. I would discuss with the custome
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 26 09:32:55 EST 2003 | davef
But soon after cleaning and drying with IPA, we find a white residue formation. A: IPA will not nothing to clean your board. The white residue is exactly what you should expect. Search the fine SMTnet Archives for background. >How do we avoid th
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 25 20:17:40 EST 2003 | ramanandkini
We are soldering a 8 pin TTL chip on to a CEM1 board that has a hot air level soldering. We use no clean soler paste for the reflow process. Now the customer wants us to clean since he is afraid of flux attracting the dust. We have some SMT LEDs that
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 31 03:39:26 EST 2003 | NP
EC7M is clean up solvent that can help to prevent white residue problem. It made from Orange shield. Good luck
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 26 22:28:46 EST 2003 | iman
we had a project like this once. switched to using "genosolve" chemistry (US source, expensive) in conjunction with a degreaser machine, works fine if you can spend the money.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 27 12:02:00 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad
Dave is correct. No-clean flux + water = white residue (unless the proper chemical is mixed with the water). Additionally, no-clean flux + IPA = white residue. Many saponifiers work well as do other cleaning agents. White residue may also be a re