Electronics Forum: ipc hasl pcb finish spec (Page 1 of 4)

Cu% spec for lead free HASL surface finish

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 28 22:33:24 EST 2007 | davef

There is no specification for lead-free HASL. You can use any lead-free solderability protection that meets your customer requirements. Use IPC-9701 �Performance Test Methods and Qualification Requirements for Surface Mount Solder Attachments� to ass

Set up inspection spec for SPI machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 05 02:10:01 EDT 2018 | buckcho

Hello sir, Limits in SPI can vary a lot, also depending on finishing of the pcb. For example 170% volume on an IC (assuming is fine pitch) can be okay for ENIG, but very bad if HASL. For are I would recommend that you use either 50-130, or 60-135 max

defects in pcb manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 06:23:12 EST 2009 | josh_brubaker

Has anyone ever done a tape test to see if the solder resist pulls away from the PCB? Is this an acceptable method for testing solder resist acceptability? This is an issue I am experiencing with our PCBs. I am receiving boards with excess solder o

PbF PCB finish

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 24 11:27:54 EST 2007 | bradlanger

We have been using SN100C lead free hasl for over a year now with good success. It is very solderable and has good shelf life. You do have to make sure the finish gets applied to the correct thickness. If the lead free hasl finish is not applied thic

Same wave process do not apply to all finish board

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 13:12:30 EDT 2005 | Mika

Thanks Patrick, I our mixed standard HASL/RoHS production area; our customer have choosen Ni/Au plating for their RoHS boards. What You are saying (3.); is that we should be more attentive on the quality of the pcb manufactory. Even if our customer

HASL, shelf life, IPC standards

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 16:37:10 EDT 2017 | charliedci

I don't believe there should be any issues with the HASL finish. The issue is how long on the shelf and is a bake out required to remove moisture from PCB, as in any FR4 PCB's that may have had time to absorb moisture.

board stretch and IPC -D-300G

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 16:14:47 EST 2001 | davef

Yes!!! How can we assemble boards with 20 pitch when we allow 0.008� error to the master art? Excellent question!!! IPC-D-300G has nothing to do with assembler requirements. It is written by and for fabricators, so that they can be comfortable.

Solder Wetting Problems, Need Referee's

Electronics Forum | Tue May 31 10:44:16 EDT 2005 | Scott B

We have found that when the HASL thickness is less than 5 microns the tin in the HASL reacts with the copper leaving a SnCu surface with poor solderability and microscopic grainy Pb islands. The IPC does not specify minimum HASL thickness but we now

What caused this reflow issue?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 16 19:23:52 EDT 2008 | molos21

I think you are close to the problem when you expect the pcb having a problem. When I look at your different pics I saw that your via holes looks like this pcb has a hasl finish... and when i look at Q 14 this picture tells me that the pcb is not an


Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 22 01:34:26 EST 2018 | sara_pcb

My BGA is 0.5mm pitch with Sn66Pb36Ag2 ball. My PCB finish is HASL. Want to do reflow using Eutectic Sn-Pb reflow paste. My Assembly is IPC Class 3 product. 1. Is there any long term reliability issues with 2% Ag in BGA Ball. 2. If the PCB finish

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