Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 07:49:50 EDT 2008 | edmaya33
Do we really need to follow the IPC J-STD-001 Solder purity? If so, how to effectively balance the chemistry of Sn63/Pb37 other than adding a pure tin on the solder bath? Is this really needed to monitor in monthly basis?How many kgs of pure tin pe
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 09:41:35 EDT 2008 | davef
Q1. Do we really need to follow the IPC J-STD-001 Solder purity? A1. Yes, you should control impurities in solder. Further information: * "Allowable concentration of contaminating elements in solder: impurities are harmless unless their level goes to
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 11:20:23 EST 1999 | Dave F
Hey Gyver: If you don�t mind (which you don�t have any choice about, because I�m going to do it anyhow, cause it�s MY word processor), I�m going to respond genericly, but still be directed to your question. Much of the following is paraphrased from
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 14 15:55:34 EDT 2024 | davef
Process Requirement Standard - J-STD-001 - Requirements for soldered electrical and electronic assemblies depicting minimum end product acceptable characteristics as well as methods for evaluation (test methods), frequency of testing and applicable a
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 23:07:55 EDT 2008 | davef
J-STD-006 lists maximum contamination levels for most solder alloys. This is the basis for purchasing solder. The SOLDER BATH contamination levels in J-STD-001 are based on decades of experience. But these contamination thresholds of various metals
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 06 10:32:53 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| Peter, | Take a look at IPC-ANSI J-STD-001A and B, J-STD-004 and I think, 005/006 which cover solder paste (?) I think. | Whatever, they do reference one another. | | Question: Whatparameters are used to determine "good" Solder Paste? What refer
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 06 17:25:55 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| Is there any problem using SMT on gold boards? 15 years ago we were told not to use gold boards, but I can't remember why. Judging by the other postings it now appears to be common. Only problem I see is that the nickel should be plated, not ele
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 21:48:12 EST 2000 | Dave F
Guo: You want to know: 1 Can I use water as the solvent in an ultrasonic machine to remove solder paste from PCB? Continuing from Jason�s comments: Sure you can use water as the solvent to remove solder paste from PCB, but recognize that some flu
Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 04:58:19 EDT 2023 | auriga2001
I agree with the two other replies. Left alone, it is a defect. If it's just excess adhesive or coating, you can use IPC-7711/7721 'Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies' for guidance on removing. Section 2.3.1 explains how to te
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 23 22:26:53 EST 2006 | Joseph
Dear all, Referring comment from Mr. Jack,IPC director certification & assembly technology, the term "fillet tearing" is too broad. Cracks or fractures in the required fillet area, with SnPb or LF alloy and whether you call it tearing or not, is a D
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