Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 22:26:09 EST 2004 | Henry
Any one who knows the international certification programme for lead-free product testing? such as IPC, IEC....... Thank you very much
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 09:36:05 EST 2004 | davef
Unfortunately, IPC-D-279, IPC-TM-650, IPC-TR-464, and MIL-STD-810 will not answer your questions, because they do NOT address LF-solders. Even the tests in IPC-9701 need to be modified for LF-solders, because: * LF-solder has different creep behavior
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 02 09:33:31 EDT 2018 | spoiltforchoice
Yourself , well you can test whatever attributes the devices should have to see if they align with the specification. You can inspect the packaging and markings to see that they match those of the manufacturer. You can also check if the parts have va
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 07:52:29 EDT 2007 | davef
Does the change from supplier to supplier as a result of: * Board definition? * Differences in processing at fabs? 3 Specification Fir Tree General Technical Specification 3a Design/Layout: * IPC-2221 * IPC-2222 3b PCB Fab: * IPC-6011 * IPC-6012 * I
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 24 08:57:56 EDT 2008 | davef
For an nate measurement method, look here http://www.ipc.org/4.0_Knowledge/4.1_Standards/test/2.4.22c.pdf For bare boards, look to IPC-6012, par. 3.4.4 For assemblies, look to IPC-A-610
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 09 20:54:58 EDT 2010 | bandjwet
There is no such thing as "IPCA610 compliance". The correct way of looking at this that the boards were inspected to IPC Class I, II or III Revision XX (current Rev is "E") and met all of the criteria. From a commercial standpoint it would greatly
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 07:09:16 EDT 2016 | soldertools
BEST is an IPC Master Certification Solder Training Center offering Instructor and Operator courses for IPC-A-610, IPC J-STD-001, IPC/WHMA-620, IPC-A-600, IPC-6012 and IPC 7711/7721. BEST is also known world widely for PCB repair kits and materials t
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 07:30:13 EDT 2017 | jamesbarnhart
Hey Shonen... I don't think so there is any comparison of any company with BEST Inc. BEST Inc., which is short for Business Electronic Soldering Technologies, is a professional solder training company that certifies both instructors as well as techni
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 01:26:34 EDT 2016 | lukvel
I have not tested whether there is electrostatic discharge on the PCB or not because the electrostatic meter is still on its way. But the IPC-A-610 section 3.1.2 specifies that yes even compressed air nozzles that move air over insulating surfaces g
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 03:18:01 EDT 2004 | Joseph
Dear all, Recently our customer complaint that some components being came off from the pcba after dropping test.But the curious is, the leads show visible solder fillet covering more than 75% of termination area on pad, which is acceptable as per IP