Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 05 20:58:21 EST 2012 | davef
Look here IPC-TM-650 2.3.25 [http://www.ipc.org/4.0_Knowledge/4.1_Standards/test/2-3_2-3-25-1.pdf ]
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 08:52:29 EDT 2009 | spitkis2
Can someone clarify whether IPC-TM-650 Test Method 2.6.27 (Thermal Stress, Convection Reflow Assembly Simultation) is required for all bare board fabricators? Or is this test method optional, depending on the type or class of boards being fabricated
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 25 17:42:11 EDT 2007 | gsala
your comments will be appreciated, please; IC tests have been performed on two kind of Raw PCBs (HASL) samples by adopting three different methods : First Sample (supllier A) - Omegameter 600 SMT, solvent=40�C: extratcing time 10 min result = 0.2
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 11:23:23 EST 2001 | slthomas
Any recommendations? Looking for someone that's familiar (even intimate) with the IPC-TM-650 stuff.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 12 21:07:47 EST 2003 | davef
Please email us.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 26 12:12:55 EST 2013 | igorfo
Dear Friends, I need your help to understand requirements and measurement methods for bow and twist of assembled PCB (PCBA have and SMT and TH components). I already check all posts on the site but didn't found any related to my question answers.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 17:33:38 EST 2001 | davef
Steve, IPC TM-650 Test Methods Manual is a load. IPC TM-650 Test Methods Manual: Section 2.1 Visual Test Methods Section 2.2 Dimensional Test Methods Section 2.3 Chemical Test Methods Section 2.4 Mechanical Test Methods Section 2.5 Electrical Test M
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 08:13:29 EDT 2002 | davef
Don't sound proper. There is no specification. Pad peel strength test methods are: * IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.21 for multiple solderings * IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.8 for copper peel with a Instron machine. Typical requirement for Cu is: 6 lbf/in [1
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 25 20:33:02 EDT 2007 | davef
We vote for: IPC-TM-650, solvent: 80�C, extract time: 60 minutes, hold time: 30 minutes or until room temperature. Listen, it really doesn't matter which method you decide to use. IPC-TM-650 2.3.25 is a process control method. It's more imp