Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 22:10:58 EST 2006 | davef
Muse We don't believe that the IPC TM-650 Test Methods Manual, 2.4.1E, Adhesion, Tape Testing--5/04 [ http://www.ipc.org/4.0_Knowledge/4.1_Standards/test/2.4.1E.pdf ] that you refer to is a "black pad" test. We think it's a method for testing the a
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 04 15:29:47 EST 2002 | genny
IPC-TM-650 is free downloadable test methods defined by IPC. Check their website. http://www.ipc.org, and look for the free downloads section. The manual is divided into several subcategories, and I believe under mechanical test methods there are
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 02 11:35:30 EST 2003 | Richard
Cleanliness test � �Area Grid Arrays�. Evaluation of residues� resistivity in a specific location on the board. (As compared to �Solvent Extract� evaluation.) We are: SMT assembly, using standard �water soluble� process with micro BGAs (example: C
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:54:21 EDT 2000 | Paul Houston
Go to www.ipc.org and click on search. search for: IPC Test Methods Manual Section 6 IPC TM-650 Test Methods Manual SECTION 2.6 - ENVIRONMENTAL TEST METHODS Paul
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 29 09:54:20 EST 2005 | chon
Indy, Please refer to IPC-TM-650 TEST METHOD MANUAL Number, this is the closest written procedure I've found and used for this. I hope helps or if someone has any other input please advise. On more thing I have this file just let me know if
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 10:38:33 EDT 2008 | davef
No standard, but common practice is: IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual * Method 2.1.1, Microsectioning, Manual Method * Method, Microsectioning, Semi or Automatic Technique
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 07 19:09:21 EDT 1998 | Graham Naisbitt
Chiakl Ion Chromatography has been perfectly described by Dave, but here are a couple of extra considerations: Ion Chromatography will tell you precisely what is present on the surface of your board/assembly but it will not tell you whether it will b
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 02:36:56 EST 2003 | Henry Lee
Anyone who has experience in IPC-TM-650 Environment test Method I have a question. It is the procedure to finish electrical connections. According to, there are apparatus which are solder pot, soldering iron and flux. Then solder a
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 12 20:24:45 EST 2003 | Henry
Anyone who has experience in IPC-TM-650 Environment test Method I have a question. It is the procedure to finish electrical connections. According to, there are apparatus which are solder pot, soldering iron and flux. Then solder a
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 29 14:45:12 EST 2005 | davef
IPC-TM-650 TEST METHODS MANUAL Number Subject: Bond Strength, Surface Mount Lands Perpendicular Pull Method 1 Scope This test method is used to determine the bond strength (breakaway strength) of surface mount lands from substrate materials