Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 10:03:22 EDT 2004 | davef
First, welcome to your new job. Second, IPC-TM-650 2.6.14 is only loosely an �Ionic Contamination (Electromigration) Test�. * Electromigration Test, IPC TM 650 2.6.14, * Ion Chromatography for Ionic Cleanliness, IPC TM 650 2.3.28 Third, I
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 27 10:48:46 EDT 2004 | crios
I am a Quality Engineer which went from an Automotive QS9000 company manufacturing ceramic hybrid boards and now I am with a ISO PC mfg. company dealing with PCBA boards. I've been assigned a task in determining the contributing factor to high contam
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 18:12:59 EDT 2004 | crios
Thanks for the information. davef, I will search for and review the Ion Chromatography for Ionic Cleanliness test method. This definitely is the test I want to perform. Do you know what the IPC specification is using this test method? The outside
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 01 10:24:31 EDT 2004 | davef
There is no specification for �Ion Chromatography for Ionic Cleanliness�. The performance of your product in your customer use environment determines the level that you select. The good part for you is that have at least one pole that you can put i
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