Electronics Forum: iphones (Page 1 of 1)

Juki KE-730 Comapred to Zevatech FS-730

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 05:37:57 EDT 2017 | alexandrdmc

Phone case iphone 7 plus, best buy phone case iphone. Case for iPhone 7 plus is high in quality and looks great. In terms of protection though it won't protect your screen. It will only protect side and the back scratches. Cover fits really. Hugs tig

PCB Laser Depaneling

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 05:39:00 EDT 2017 | alexandrdmc

Set 3-pieces, Swimming Mobile Phone Waterproof Dry Bag, iphone waterproof pouch. It is not only have Waterproof effect, it's also can usd the normal use of the phone function, such as Touch, take pictures, send text messages, answer the phone and so

RoHS Calculation

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 17 08:20:20 EDT 2007 | davef

Darby Look here: * http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=202401949 * http://www.iphonematters.com/article/apple_iphones_not_green_enough_grounds_for_green_peace_lawsuit_111/

Configuring Lightroom for use with a Meko stylus by Asin: B00N1BRWLA on Amazon USA ?

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 15 21:39:50 EDT 2018 | neoplymike

Hi davef, thanks for your suggestion. I thoroughly read your all ideas given to me. Good. Maybe for the first choice, people may choose Apple Pencil stylus as they think Apple is a very old brand so its quality must be excellent.Secondly, apple penci

Is There Any MEKO Universal Stylus Available ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 21:24:12 EDT 2018 | neoplymike

hello MEKO Tech, thanks for your introduction. I had an experience for buying universal stylus from MEKO Tech. I still remember that that is a really nice experience. These products I bought from them are of good use to me. I like them very much and

Invisible Fast long distance Wireless Charger Shengshi ZeePower Charging distance up to 45mm

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 06 23:17:24 EDT 2019 | zeepower

The Optimized Wireless Charging Product, a new powerful wireless charger that can be hidden under your desktop and charge your mobile devices directly through your desktop. ZeePower GK35001—— Its input is 19V / 2A, supporting a space charging distan

BGA epoxy removal

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 22 15:46:09 EST 2015 | slave2anubis

Hi, my name is Dacian, and i run a mobile phone repair shop in Timisoara, Romania. Lately we decided to do more advance motherboard repair jobs, and a big problem that we have is, cleaning the board after we remove the chips. We repair manly iPhone,

Possibility of a cheaper pick and place machine design?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 11 10:01:30 EDT 2014 | spoiltforchoice

1 - Too messy, parts already come in nice easy to use machine compatible packaging, tapes, reels, tubes and trays. All you are doing is adding an extra step and complication. A key production aim is to reduce the number of steps. 2 - BGA - a chip wi


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