Electronics Forum: ir (Page 1 of 52)

Which AOI /SPI System is the Best? Viscom S3088; Koh Young 8030 or Parmi Xceed

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 29 07:49:58 EDT 2016 | maryam

thanks. www.takpartition.net www.partition.pcn.ir www.partitioni.ir www.testjosh.com www.isommer.ir/2012-07-11-07-21-04/kerkere-parkingi.html www.irdoors.ir www.turkeyportal.ir/sabte-sherkat-dar-torkey.html

Which AOI /SPI System is the Best? Viscom S3088; Koh Young 8030 or Parmi Xceed

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 29 07:52:32 EDT 2016 | maryam

thank you very much. http://takpartition.net http://partition.pcn.ir http://partitioni.ir http://testjosh.com http://isommer.ir/2012-07-11-07-21-04/kerkere-parkingi.html http://irdoors.ir http://turkeyportal.ir/sabte-sherkat-dar-torkey.html

BGA Rework Equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 06:27:26 EDT 2005 | Hi Peter

Better use Ersa IR550A or IR650A. http://www.ersa.de

About IR Basics

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 14:51:28 EDT 2004 | Jovy

Hi All, I Need to know What is the main Concepts and Basics to Use IR in Soldering BGA & mBGA Ics, for Example - what are Range of Heating Temperatures - What is the Preheating means !? - What is the best Heat/Time Curve Ive to care about while using

Flux Residues In Lead Free Wave Soldering Process

Electronics Forum | Sat May 27 12:50:14 EDT 2006 | GS

HI, just my 0,00001 cents Which preheat system does your wave solder has? for instance ? - IR ? - Bottom only ? - IR + Forced Air ? (bottom) - IR + Forced Air (bottom) IR top ? PCB thickness ? Appropriate preheat is important when looking to f

PCB Pad become brownish after IR reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 00:03:55 EDT 2009 | linseeg

We encoutered few PCB after IR reflow the PCB pad change color from silver to yellowish / brownish. Our IR reflow peak temp is ~250 degree. The brownish cannot be remove with IPA as well. What is the main reason causing this issue?

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 09:28:49 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Hiya, | | | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | | | Cheers | | | Why IR ? Ok, I�ve seen only one but that thing burnt the PCB before the solder was meltin

IR oven profiling

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 13:26:46 EDT 2003 | Brian W.

Something else to keep in mind when you reflow using an IR (non-convection) oven. IR reflow is more susceptible to variations in board mass and coloration than convection ovens. Hi mass areas and dark colored parts will cause more variation in your

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 08:59:20 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| Hiya, | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | Cheers | Why IR ? Ok, I�ve seen only one but that thing burnt the PCB before the solder was melting and costs a lo

Quad offers an low end bench top oven that may do the trick.

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 05:20:57 EST 1998 | Jim Mitchell

Quad still sells a low end convection/IR bench top oven for about $15,000. (ZCR 412B) It is limited to a 12" board but may work for your application. IR ovens have gone out of favor recently. There should be some older IR ovens for under $5,000 f

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